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Subject: Who will be attending the first telcon?
If you plan to be attending the first telcon on Thursday 5th April and you haven't told me, please do so as soon as possible. (The OASIS TC process requires that you inform me 15 days before the telcon, which is about now.) If you are on this mailing list and don't attend the first meeting, you won't be a member of the TC. I will assume unless I hear to the contrary that the submitters of the request to form the TC plan to attend. These were: James Clark (individual member) Norman Walsh (Sun) Eric van der Vlist (individual member) John Cowan (Reuters) Arjun Ray (individual member) Michael Fitzgerald (individual member) Michael Smith (individual member) In addition, the following have told me they plan to attend: Dain Hansen (ECtone) Joshua Lubell (NIST) James Tauber (Bowstreet) James
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