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Subject: TREX TC minutes from 2001-04-19
[Correct and amend at will. -mjf] TREX TC Minutes 2001-04-19 Attendees: James Clark (chair) Kawaguchi-san (observer) Murata-san Josh Lubell Norm Walsh Mike Smith Don Smith Mike Fitzgerald Missing: James Tauber Eric van der Vlist Fabio Arciniegas Next Meeting: Thursday, May 3, 2001, 10:30 EDT (which is UTC -5:00 or UTC +07:00) Issues: 1. Exclusions. In light of the removal of concur, we discussed whether exclusions ought to be added to TREX v1.0. Murata-san believes, as does James, that it is syntax sugar and that it could be easily postponed until v2.0. Norm feels that exclusions are right on the line between 80/20, but that we could live without them in v1.0. James suggests that exclusions be placed on the back burner as we have "bigger fish to fry." 2. ID/IDREF (uniqueness constraints). DTDs and XML Schema both support them -- should TREX v1.0? Norm said he doesn't see how we can't support identity constraints! James said it was not at all easy or not trivial to implement. [Murata-san said something about identity constraints in three grammars, but I did not catch what it was.] Revisit. 3. QNames. Eric has expressed his opposition to QNames in early email on the TREX list. James restated a sentiment that it is bad to rely on namespace declarations. Murata-san believes that reliance on QNames violates basic XML parsing, as in some cases an arbitrary prefix must be changed when it clashes with another prefix in a document. Mike F. wondered aloud if we can stray from the Namespaces in XML recommendation without some difficulty. James suggested that we punt. 4. minOccurs/maxOccurs. Should we provide range restriction other than <oneOrMore> +, <zeroOrMore> *, and <optional> ?, as in DTD? Josh believes that being able to validate on a given range, other than 0 to Infinity, is "highly desirable." Murata-san feels that it is not a minimum requirement, however. Kawaguchi-san agreed. Norm does not feel it is a show stopper, but it will make TREX' validation weaker. Don offered anecdotal evidence that database people really like a min/max capability. 5. Non-deterministic patterns. TREX, as it stands, does not prohibit obfuscatory patterns. Murata stated his concerns about the non-restrictions on patterns in TREX, e.g., being able to define elements within attributes is misleading. We punted on this one as well. 6. Informal restrictions on type strings. Murata-san suggested that TREX could be more "relaxed" about this. James said that this should be resolved by e-mail. 7. Documentation element. Mike F. expressed his satisfaction that since elements and attributes could be included from any namespace (such as xsd:annotation/xsd:documentation) there is little need for a TREX documentation element. Murata-san mentioned the feasibility of limiting "foreign" namespaces in certain places. The consensus [I think] was to take no action and to leave it at the current status, i.e., elements or attributes anywhere. ACTION: Don and Josh to collect more evidence on the popularity of min/max constraints. ACTION: Kawaguchi-san will act as the issues monitor and will publish a list of TREX v1.0 issues. ACTION: James and Murata-san will draft a message to XML-DEV regarding the marriage of RELAX and TREX and contact journalists as well.
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