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Subject: The latest issue list (4/25)
-- Kohsuke KAWAGUCHI +1 650 786 0721 Sun Microsystems kohsuke.kawaguchi@eng.sun.comTitle: TREX Issues List
TREX issue list
Status: resolved
Voted unanimously to resolve this issue by allowing elements with no declared children tp have whitespace.
Status: open
"except" and "butNot" by jjc. TC is open to other suggestions.
Status: postponed
Status: open
the original post suggests to introduce syntax sugars to match frequently used wildcard patterns. Namely,
Some concerns that whether this was important enough to be worth a special syntactic abbreviation. No conclusion was reached.
Status: open
Status: open
Status: resolved
Status: open
(a) Put a version in the TREX namespace URI (by jjc)
(b) Use a version attribute on the root element (by jjc)
Input from Eric van der Vlist obtains:
He suggests to have both (a) and (b)
Input from John Cowan obtains:
He suggests to use FPI (kk: kind of URN?)
Status: open
Input from Josh Lubell obtains:
He wants to have this because of his own experiences
Input from Kohsuke Kawaguchi obtains:
He suggests that this feature can be provided outside of the core spec (as a pre-processor like tool).
TC is still not convinved whether this feature is imporant enough to be added.
Status: open
James Clark proposed to change attribute name to more sutaible one, but none is suggested by anyone.
John Cowan suggests adding optional "grammar" attribute to "ref" element and thereby introducing the ability to refer to any ancestor grammar.
Status: open
no solid proposal is made yet.
Status: resolved
Status: resolved
Status: open
Various people sugges various names (including, but not limited to, TRELAX, TryRELAX, RELAXED, RELEX, REFLEX, RELAX XML Schema, TREELAX, RELAX 2, EXLAX, etc, etc.
One of the concern is whether we should include "XML Schema" in the name.
Status: open
The current spec already has several restrictions that prevents problematic situations.
Some argues that the current restrictions still have something to be desired.
Status: open
Currently, TREX allows patterns like
<attribute name="foo"><attribute name="..." /></attribute>
<attribute name="foo"><element name="..." /></attribute>
Should we explicitly prohibits them?
(original posts [1] [2] ).Those malformed patterns cannot accept anything: any TREX processors can safely replace those malformed patterns by <notAllowed /> without changing semantics.
So at least it doesn't confuse processors.
Murata-san suggests to prohibit them explicitly.
Some argues that such constraints are unnecessary.
Status: open
TREX pattern is currently sensitive to the order of <define> element or order of <include> element because of the redefinition capability.
However, this sensitivity can be removed by restricting redefinition to only under <include> element (like XML Schema). But this restriction also limits the expressiveness of TREX.
Should we introduce this restriction to make TREX pattern order-insensitive language? Is this worth the cost of limiting language expressiveness?
( original posts )One of the touchstone will be XHTML modularization.
Proposed restriction is to "require that <define> elements that redefine or combine with other definitions should go inside the <include> elements that includes the pattern that contains the original definition."
Status: open
TREX allows patterns like
<element name="joe"> <attribute name="foo"> ... </attribtue> <attribute name="foo"> ... </attribtue> </element>
Can we prohibit patterns like this? If so, how can we do that?
( original posts )Some people want to ban this, but no algorithm is proposed yet.
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