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Subject: Re: Alternative algorithm to restrict use of data/string in patterns.
> <notAllowed/> is not mentioned, but this can be removed by simple > preprocessing. Oops, for calcFPDS: calcFPDS( <notAllowed/>, fpds ) => "element" For check( <notAllowed/>, fpds ) => do nothing; Also, as you pointed out, interleave has to be modified to: case: p == <interleave> p1 p2 </interleave> check( p1, fpds ) check( p2, fpds ) if( p1 contains <data/> or <string/>, && p2 contains <data/>,<string/>,<anyString/> or <element/>, or viceversa) this pattern is illegal! -- Kohsuke KAWAGUCHI +1 650 786 0721 Sun Microsystems kohsuke.kawaguchi@eng.sun.com
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