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Subject: Re: Guarded normal form (part 1)
A couple of points. 1. How does your duplicate attribute restriction deal with attributes that have a name class other than a single name? (I think I have a simple algorithm to detect whether intersection of two name-classes is non-empty.) 2. Since <choice> <attribute name="foo"/> <attribute name="bar"/> </choice> is the same as <attribute> <choice> <name>foo</name> <name>bar</name> </choice> </attribute> I think if you allow one, you should allow both. I don't see any problem with: <zeroOrMore> <choice> <attribute name="foo"/> <attribute name="bar"/> </choice> </zeroOrMore> because it is the same as <group> <zeroOrMore> <attribute name="foo"/> </zeroOrMore> <zeroMore> <attribute name="bar"/> </zeroOrMore> </group> James
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