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Subject: RE: Fallback mechanism for the datatype

Right.  In some situations it might be appropriate for the validator simply 
to throw a fatal error; in other situations it might recover by treating it 
as a string.  It could even interactively ask the use what it should do for 
an unknown datatype.  I don't think we can dictate behaviour in these 
circumstances given the braod range of scenarios in which RELAX NG might be 

--On 01 August 2001 17:05 -0700 Michael Fitzgerald <mike@wyeast.net> wrote:

> I am trying to understand your last statement.
> Are you saying that if a RELAX NG schema uses a datatype library that a
> processor does not support, the processor isn't required to validate any
> document against that schema?
> -Mike
> -----Original Message-----
> From: James Clark [mailto:jjc@jclark.com]
> Sent: Tuesday, July 31, 2001 4:15 PM
> To: Michael Fitzgerald; RELAX NG List
> Subject: RE: Fallback mechanism for the datatype
> Saying it may report a warning is vacuous and misleading: a RELAX NG
> processor can give a warning any time it feels like it; it doesn't need
> permission from the spec.
> The net result is that if a schema uses a datatype library that a
> validator does not support, then the validator is not required to be able
> to determine whether a document is valid with respect to the schema.
> This is what I think the spec should say.
> --On Tuesday, July 31, 2001 10:18 AM -0700 Michael Fitzgerald
> <mike@wyeast.net> wrote:
>> I interpret Makoto's paragraph differently. To me it says:
>> "If a conformant RELAX NG processor encounters a datatype library that it
>> does not recognize, it MAY report a warning. It may, for example,
>> continue or abort normal processing."
>> So if I am writing a fridge-firmware implementation, I don't think I am
>> forced to produce a warning or error, and I am happy.
>> -Mike
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