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Subject: RELAX NG telcon 16 August 2001
The next RELAX NG telcon will take place at 10:30am EDT on Thursday 16th August. The dial-in numbers are: 800 851 1769 (US callers) 775 324 0362 (International) Participant code: 597197 Agenda 1. Guidelines for using XML Schema Part 2. Are we still agreed we want a document for this? Does anybody have anything to add to the set of guidelines I sent to the mailing list? 2. Should we produce some sort of design rationale or white paper explaining/justifying the design decisions we've made? (Rick Jellife suggested this on xml-dev.) 3. Restriction on patterns within <attribute a:attributeType="..."> (issue 61) 4. What values should we allowed for a:attributeType? (issue 59) 5. What should a:attributeType be attached to? (issue 62) James
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