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Subject: [relax-ng] Some ideas about simple type assignment
I propose some design goals: - It should be possible to do simple type assignment without validation, which is sometimes too heavy and not available in your favorite programming language. - Given an instance, it should be easy for average progammers to implement simple type assignment. Undestanding of theoretical computer science (e.g., automata) should not be required. - Given a schema as well as some auxiliary descripsions for simple type assignment, it should be possible to tell whether simple type assignment is possible for ANY instance. I would suggest that we use collections of path-datatype pairs together wth RELAX NG Schemas. Here is an example of such a collection @a int a/@b int a/b/c float a/b/c/@d short The first line asserts that every attribute named "a" is of the datatype "int". The second asserts that every attribute named "b" of any element named "a" is of the datatype "int". Some software program should ensure that these assersions are correct with respect to a given schema. This is certainly possible. Once these assertions are guranteed to be correct, everybody can implement simple type assignment. Thus, I do not think we need standard APIs or have to materialize the result of simple type assignment by adding foreign attributes. It is possible to slightly extend this by allowing "//" everywhere, for example. But I think that fixed paths are good enough and I like very ad-hoc solutions or very generalized solutions. Cheers, Makoto
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