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Subject: Re: [relax-ng] Some ideas about simple type assignment
Message text written by James Clark >I think allowing arbitrary well-formed XML within foreign-namespace elements is both very common and very natural. If you are designing an extensible vocabulary and you want to make it easy for programmers to check the constraints imposed by the vocabulary by hand rather than automatically using a schema language, then the possibility of subtrees with arbitrary well-formed XML arises naturally: it is unnecessary extra work to require programmers to do some complex checking on the content of an extension element, given that the application is then going to ignore that element. <<<<<<<< James, It would be excellent if we could also design this to support ebXML Core Components and the ability to use a UID reference to a Registry definition thereof. This would be optional of course, but given the power inherent in the ebXML Registry - this is a natural place to facilitate type definitions from. And of course this removes all the burden and complexity from the Schema itself with just a lightweight referencing system. wildeyed brainstorming something like: <typeDef type="currency" taxonomy="UID" reference="UNCC007010:01:01" registry="default"> Thanks, DW.
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