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Subject: [relax-ng] RE: [relax-ng-comment] RELAX NG in Topologi CollaborativeMarkup Editor

This is good news -- both inclusion in your editor and ease of

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-----Original Message-----
From: Rick Jelliffe [mailto:ricko@topologi.com]
Sent: Friday, April 05, 2002 1:42 AM
To: relax-ng-comment@lists.oasis-open.org
Subject: [relax-ng-comment] RELAX NG in Topologi Collaborative Markup

People on this list may be interested that we are supporting
RELAX NG in our editor. I think this may be the first end-user
product to do so!

People who are interested in it, please feel free to register for
our beta program, at http://www.topologi.com/  The next beta
should be out very early next week.

The editor also supports XML DTDs, XML Schemas, Schematron
(including phases), and our inhouse NII (NamedInformationItem) schema
formats. All these schemas can be put in an XAR file (a ZIP format
for distributing document types and application code), and the editor will
upload them over a network or between peers, so deploying schemas
to systems should be pretty easy.

The editor will be shipping with RELAX NG as one of the supplied
applications, however it is not an IDE but targeted at data capture
for the same kinds of publishing uses that SGML has succeeded in.

We used Jing, which seems good quality. We had difficulties with
the JARV API implementation and IBM's VisualAge for Java, so we used
Jing's native interface instead.  It was almost trivial to add, actually:
less than
a day's work by a programmer who did not know RELAX NG.

What is the best list for developers to talk about implementation issues?

Rick Jelliffe

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