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Subject: [relax-ng] Compact syntax div/a:documentation

I like the ## syntax proposed by John Cowan for a:documentation, and the
bare braces for <div> is quite intuitive, but I don't think the play well
together.  Imagine something like this


<a:documentation>Inline elements</a:documentation>


<define name="em">...</define>
<define name="strong">...</define>


<define name="code">...</define>


<a:documentation>Block elements</a:documentation>

<define name="p">...</define>

Using the current syntax this would become:

## Inline elements
[] {

## Emphasis
[] {
em = ...
strong = ...


## Technical
[] {
code =...


## Block elements
[] {

p = ...


This seems pretty ghastly to me.  I would prefer to write something

#* Inline elements

#** Emphasis

em = ..
strong = ...

#** Technical

code = ..

#* Block elements

p = ...

In other words, # followed by N or more "*" characters (N > 1) starts an
N-level heading.  An N-level heading is a <div> with an <a:documentation>
that extends up to the next heading of level <= N.  (This would also work
nicely with outline mode in Emacs.)

You would still use "##" for comments that attach to something other than
div, and you would still use {} for divs with annotations other than

I think <a:documentation> on <div> is at least as important as other uses of
<a:documentation>.  In many DTDs there are more comments that conceptually
apply to a <div> than comments that conceptually apply to a single


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