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Subject: [relax-ng] Agenda RELAX NG telcon 11th April
Note that the US has started daylight savings time. I believe this means that for those of use in countries with daylight savings time, the telcon will start an hour earlier. (For US participants, the local time of the telcon will be unchanged.) This week, I would like to see if we can make some progress on compact syntax issues. 1. Local namespace declarations. I don't think we are ready to select a syntax, but let's try and decide whther we need this feature or not. 2. String literals and escaping. (a) Character escapes. There seems to be some consensus for a \x{NNN} syntax. Do we want to allow this everywhere or just in string literals? If everywhere, what happens if the user does "\x{22}" (0x22 is the code for ")? What happens if the user does # a comment with \x{A} in it ? (b) Long string literals/escaping literal delimiters. Do we need to support breaking up a string literal over multiple lines? Do we want to keep the doubling mechanism as a way of getting a "/' inside a "/'-delimited string? One possible solution to both problems is to allow multiple adjacent string literals with an implicit concatenation semantic. If we don't adopt this, do we need to do something about the fact that both a:foo [ "x" "y" ] and a:foo { "x""y" ] are legal but have different meanings? (c) Literal newlines in strings. Should these continue to be allowed or should we require \x{A} instead? 3. Encoding declaration. Do we need one or can we manage with UTF-8+UTF-16+externally specified encodings? How can we avoid adding a lot of complexity to the specification to handle this? 4. Syntax for a:documentation/<div>. (a) a:documentation. What would be the status of the proposed ## syntax? Would it be in the grammar or an extra-grammatical convention? What about comments on <div>s? (b) What syntax do we want for <div? Possibilities are - bare braces with a required annotation preceding it or - div { ... } James
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