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Subject: RE: [relax-ng] RELAX NG Viewer

> -----Original Message-----
> From: James Clark [mailto:jjc@jclark.com] 
> I agree a RELAX NG viewer would be very nice to have. Writing 
> the viewer in Java would be one possibility.  Another possibility
might be 
> generating SVG.  SVG has quite powerful interactive features, which 
> should (I think) make it possible to interactively expand/collapse
portions of 
> the diagram in a similar manner to XMLSpy.  The advantage is that
> who want to view the diagram wouldn't require any special tools; they
would only 
> require a standard SVG viewer (which in fullness of time I expect to
> ubiquitous).

Note, too, that these tools (Turbo XML & XML Spy) generally produce HTML
documentation that embeds the graphical images suitably.  Working with
SVG from the outset helps you kill the two birds with one stone.  The
SVG diagrams would also be much smaller than the equivalent (and
numerous) bitmap diagrams that these tools currently produce.

Anthony B. Coates
XML & Search Architect
Chief Technology Office
Reuters Plc, London.

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