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Subject: [relax-ng] Three errors in the RELAX NG spec
1) three <html>s The HTML version of the RELAX NG spec has three occurrences of "<html>". If we replace <xsl:template match="grammarref"> <xsl:apply-templates select="document(@src)"/> </xsl:template> in spec.xsl by <xsl:template match="grammarref"> <xsl:apply-templates select="document(@src)/*"/> </xsl:template>, we do not have this problem. Does this need an erratum? 2) "a choice" in 4.14 and 4.15 cannot be translated. The spec relies on the coincidence that the tag name "choice" is also a noun in its normal sense. If I translate "choice" to a Japanese word "sentaku", 4.14 and 4.15 becomes unclear. I argue that such specs are defective. First, "transformed into a choice with <code>empty</code>" in 4.14 should be replaced with "transformed into a <code>choice</code> element with one child being the child of the <code>optional</code> element and the other child being <code>empty</code>" Second, "transformed into a choice between oneOrMore and empty:" in 4.15 should be replaced with "transformed into a <code>choice</code> element with one child being an <oneOrMore> <replaceable>p</replaceable> </oneOrMore> and the other child being <code>empty</code>, where <replaceable>p</replaceable> is the child of the <code>zeroOrMore</code> element" 3) attributes rather than elements - "an externalRef attribute" in 4.6 should read "an externalRef element" - "an include attribute" in 4.7 should read "an include element" -- MURATA Makoto (FAMILY Given) <EB2M-MRT@asahi-net.or.jp>
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