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Subject: [relax-ng] New compact syntax draft
I've put a new compact syntax draft at http://www.thaiopensource.com/oasis/compact-20021104.html I know of the following things that I have not yet dealt with: 1. Something needs to be said about base URIs; I think this is straightforward (the environment needs to contains a base URI initialized per the URI RFC and mapSchemaRef needs to use this). 2. I haven't dealt with prohibiting newlines in strings (as mentioned in my previous message) 3. Something needs to be said about how the context of constructed elements is determined from the environment. 4. Annotations elements and attributes still need to be prohibited from having the RELAX NG namespace URI: http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/relax-ng/200210/msg00040.html Please check carefully to see whether there is anything else I have missed. The choice of what named types to use is somewhat arbitrary. I would welcome feedback on whether (and if so what) additional named subtypes of the xml base type would make the grammar easier to understand. James
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