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Subject: Re: [relax-ng] Combining RELAX NG Grammars

On Wed, 2003-01-01 at 01:36, James Clark wrote:

> No, because you can have multiple grammars: the names in one grammar won't 
> collide with the names in any of the others.  See section 13 of the 
> tutorial.

Coincidence, I am just writing the section of my book about this

I have a couple of questions on this topic!

It's often the case with embedded structures (in programming languages)
that each level inherits the definitions done in its "ancestors" (with
the possibility to overide them) and I am wondering why this is not the
case with Relax NG. 

Also, while it is possible to refer to named patterns of the parent
grammar, it doesn't seem to be possible to refer to named patterns of
other ancestors and I am wondering what's the reason for this.


Curious about Relax NG? My book in progress is waiting for your review!
Eric van der Vlist       http://xmlfr.org            http://dyomedea.com
(W3C) XML Schema ISBN:0-596-00252-1 http://oreilly.com/catalog/xmlschema

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