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Subject: Re: [relax-ng] UML, XML and Relax NG

Hi Josh,

On Fri, 2003-01-17 at 20:27, Josh Lubell wrote:
> Although David Carlson's "Modeling XML Applications with UML" (Addison
> Wesley) mentions WXS but not RELAX NG, his hyperModel tool  (see
> http://xmlmodeling.com) can generate both WXS and RELAX NG schemas from XMI.

I have just ordered his book and haven't received it yet, but from his
XML.com articles I understand that he is using stereotypes which are
specific to WXS such as "XSDcomplexType". It's easy enough to generate a
Relax NG pattern for a complexType and I have no doubt that he can do
it, but I would challenge the fact that "XSDcomplexType" is something
worth learning for a user not interested in WXS.

> Carlson used to have a web-accessible form where you could upload an XMI
> file and process it using hyperModel, but the website wasn't working the
> last time I tried to use it. He has also implemented hyperModel as a plug-in
> to Eclipse and is selling this as a commercial product. I haven't come
> across any documentation for Carlson's UML-to-RELAX NG mapping.
> The RELAX NG in my XML 2002 paper "From Model to Markup" was created using
> the web-accessible hyperModel tool, although I had to tweak the output in
> order to handle bidirectional UML associations and to use interleave
> properly.

Sounds nice. On my side I have started some tests with "dia" (a gnome
diagram editor supporting UML notations) and generating Relax NG schemas
from its XML native format looks quite easy with XSLT, but I'd rather
use "schema neutral" stereotypes than WXS specific ones...

Thanks for your answer!

Did you know it? Python has now a Relax NG (partial) implementation.
Eric van der Vlist       http://xmlfr.org            http://dyomedea.com
(W3C) XML Schema ISBN:0-596-00252-1 http://oreilly.com/catalog/xmlschema

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