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Subject: [relax-ng] [OT] Schematron embedded rules


This is only tangential to Relax NG, but there are two non compatible
implementations of embedded Schematron rules:


In a nutshell, the first class of implementations considers that, like
in xvif, the pattern in which the rules or asserts are included is
setting the context of evaluation (it's the MSV way and the one I find
useful) and the second one considers that the location of the rules in
the Relax NG schema is not significant (it's the Topologi way). 

Have you ever thought about unit testing XSLT templates?
Eric van der Vlist       http://xmlfr.org            http://dyomedea.com
(W3C) XML Schema ISBN:0-596-00252-1 http://oreilly.com/catalog/xmlschema

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