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Subject: Re: [relax-ng] Are following annotations forbidden after value andparam ?
>> > but it would seem useful to allow it as an alternative. >> >> Why? > > To avoid that people need to check if the preceding pattern is "param" > or "value" when they want to write a following annotation: it seems > unecessary to impose this burden. value, which is a pattern, does allow >>. You keep referring to "param" as a pattern, but it's not a pattern: a pattern is something that matches attributes and elements. >> is conceptually an operator that either - takes a pattern and an annotation and yields a name class, or - takes a name class and an annotation and yields a name class One could complicate this and extend >> to operate on an annotation and a parameter and yield a parameter, but I don't think it's a good idea. The "normal" way to do annotations in the compact syntax is with a leading [] and that works with param. >> is a special additional way of doing annotations that works for patterns and name classes; having a special additional way for params that does always exactly the same thing as the normal way seems more confusing than helpful to me. James
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