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rights-examples message

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Subject: RE: [rights-examples] conference call: trying again

Unfortunately this will not work for me.

-----Original Message-----
From: DuCharme, Bob (LNG) [mailto:bob.ducharme@lexisnexis.com] 
Sent: Friday, June 14, 2002 11:47 AM
To: 'rights-examples@lists.oasis-open.org'
Subject: [rights-examples] conference call: trying again

How's Wednesday, 6/19, 4 - 5 PM UTC (9AM in Seattle, 12 noon in New York
Bethesda, 5 - 6 in London)? Hari said that he will set something up for
but I wanted to make sure that this is a good time for everyone before I
give him the parameters.

Bob DuCharme

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