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rights-examples message

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Subject: RE: [rights-examples] trying again...

Title: RE: [rights-examples] trying again...

June 25th is acceptable.
June 26th is great.
June 27th is good.
June 28th is good.
June 29th is bad.
June 30th is acceptable.
July 01st is acceptable.
July 02nd is acceptable.
July 03rd is o.k.

Where they have the following order from best to worst:
* great
* good
* o.k.
* acceptable
* bad


-----Original Message-----
From: DuCharme, Bob (LNG) [mailto:bob.ducharme@lexisnexis.com]
Sent: Monday, June 24, 2002 12:05 PM
To: 'rights-examples@lists.oasis-open.org'
Subject: [rights-examples] trying again...

I didn't hear back from everyone on today or tomorrow, so I didn't book it.
How's this: everyone let me know which days over the next week (up to July
2nd) are good for the 4 - 5 PM UTC (9AM in Seattle, 12 noon in New York and
Bethesda, 5 - 6 in London) slot, I'll pick one that's good for all of us,
and have Hari book the phone line.

Sorry this is taking so long to come together.


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