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rights-examples message

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Subject: Re: [rights-examples] trying again...


You'll have to go without me... It will be 1AM in the far east....

Pete Schirling

Digital Media Standards
IBM Research Division
Office: +1 802 769 6123/Mobile: +1 802 238 2036/E-Fax: +1 802 769 7362
Mobile text messaging 8022382036@msg.myvzw.com
Internet e-mail: schirlin@us.ibm.com

                      "DuCharme, Bob                                                                                           
                      (LNG)"                    To:       "'rights-examples@lists.oasis-open.org'"                             
                      <bob.ducharme@lexi         <rights-examples@lists.oasis-open.org>                                        
                      snexis.com>               cc:                                                                            
                                                Subject:  [rights-examples] trying again...                                    
                      06/24/2002 12:04                                                                                         

I didn't hear back from everyone on today or tomorrow, so I didn't book it.
How's this: everyone let me know which days over the next week (up to July
2nd) are good for the 4 - 5 PM UTC (9AM in Seattle, 12 noon in New York and
Bethesda, 5 - 6 in London) slot, I'll pick one that's good for all of us,
and have Hari book the phone line.

Sorry this is taking so long to come together.


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