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rights-examples message

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Subject: [rights-examples] RE: examples SC meeting slot

Title: Phone number for next Wednesday's (June 26,2002) RLTC, Spec SC and Requirements SC meetings
Hello Everyone:
You can use the following:
July 2, 2002
12 PM -2 PM
Domestic: 1-877-652-1582
International: 1-847-619-6754
Passcode: 7582997
You do not need a moderator code for this call. Just dial in...
-----Original Message-----
From: DuCharme, Bob (LNG) [mailto:bob.ducharme@lexisnexis.com]
Sent: Wednesday, June 26, 2002 1:07 PM
To: 'Reddy, Hari'
Cc: 'rights-examples@lists.oasis-open.org'
Subject: examples SC meeting slot

Can you book July 2nd at 4 - 5 PM UTC (9AM in Seattle, 12 noon in New York and
Bethesda, 5 - 6 in London) for the examples group? Please let me know if a moderator passcode is necessary as well as a participant passcode, because the lack of the former is why the last examples meeting didn't work.

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