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Subject: RE: [rights-examples] Examples
-----Original Message-----
From: Reddy, Hari [mailto:Hari.Reddy@CONTENTGUARD.COM]
Sent: Thursday, October 24, 2002 12:26 PM
To: burstein@boalthall.berkeley.edu; Rights-Examples (E-mail)
Cc: dmulligan@law.berkeley.edu; drowan@boalthall.berkeley.edu
Subject: [rights-examples] ExamplesHello Everyone:
I received this from Aaron earlier this month. My sincere apologies for the delay in forwarding this to the Examples SC...I had thought that I had sent this out before but it was still in my Draft folder...These examples are from the Samuelson Law Clinic/EPIC's submission which is located in the Document Repository: (http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/rights/documents/subcommittee/requirements/collected/sltppc/)It may be beneficial to invite Aaron, Deirdre and Dean to one of our future meetings to discuss the examples some more as there may be several different approaches to the use cases.
Hari-----Original Message-----
From: Aaron Burstein [mailto:burstein@boalthall.berkeley.edu]
Sent: Thursday, October 03, 2002 5:42 PM
To: Reddy, Hari
Cc: dmulligan@law.berkeley.edu; drowan@boalthall.berkeley.edu
Subject: Re: examples...
Hi Hari,
I'm sending you three examples, which are use cases taken directly from
the Clinic's/EPIC's requirements document. Our understanding is that
the Examples SC will devise XrML licenses that implement these
examples. These examples are all equally important to us, so the SC
should therefore feel free to tackle them in any order they see fit.
Furthermore, these examples are not exhaustive (that's the spirit of an
Examples SC, I guess).Finally, please note that our providing these examples does not indicate
a change in our position regarding the work of the requirements SC.We are also looking at the examples you mentioned in your message but
need more time to analyze them. We'll also keep an eye on the
repository for new ln*** examples.The use cases are below. I hope you don't mind my sending them to you --
I am not subscribed to rights-examples.Thanks,
1. Alice, a music critic, publishes reviews on her own Web site. There
is no fee required for access to the site, and Alice attracts enough
readers to have attracted the attention of record company executives.
Alice's reviews always contain excerpts from the work under review.
This week she is reviewing the latest release from a band whose last
four albums she has panned. After listening to this new album, Alice
knows that her review will be critical. She knows that seeking
permission to sample portions of the album will be fruitless, so she
simply extracts what she needs and links the streaming audio files to
her review.2. Professor Carole has decided to put several textual and multimedia
works from her personal collection on digital reserve for her history
course this term. Each of her students must have access to these
artifacts for the term of the course, in several popular formats. They
will have the ability to include excerpts of these works in their term
projects.3. A non-profit school for the blind owns a Braille printer. The school
uses this printer to reproduce excerpts of an electronic version of the
biography of an important political figure for some of its students.Reddy, Hari wrote:
> Hi Aaron:
> I am still typing out the minutes from the Requirements SC call...I
> like your idea of using the use cases in the Samuelson Law Clinic's
> submission. I have been looking at them for some time but I am not
> sure which you would like to review. Can you send me or the examples
> list (I am not sure if you are subscribed, the link is on the main
> RLTC web page) a list of prioritized use cases?
> You can also take a look at the current examples on the document
> repository
> (http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/rights/documents/subcommittee/e
>xamples /Table%20of%20Contents%20-%20Examples.htm)... I still need to
> populate the lnxxx examples which I received from Bob DuCharme this
> week. In the examples g, h, and i, we tried to illustrate some of the
> late binding features of the language which were also reviewed in the
> Samuelson Law Clinic's analyses. This is the notion of contextual
> licenses.
> Have you had the opportunity to look over example "i" which is the
> self issuance example?
> http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/rights/documents/subcommittee/ex
>amples/ in-progress/cg003/selfissue.xml
> Thanks in advance...
> Regards,
> Hari
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