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rights-governance-liaison message

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Subject: RE: [rights-governance-liaison] FW: Friday concall for Governance SC...

Title: RE: [rights-governance-liaison] FW: Friday concall for Governance SC...
It seems that no one objects to the Noon EDT time for this week's call.  Given that, I am officially changing the time of the call to Noon for Friday July 12th.  Future calls will remain at 1 PM EDT.
The call-in numbers are as follows:
International Access 1-630-424-7954
US   1-877-752-7384
PIN - 7031359 and # 
-----Original Message-----
From: Carlisle Adams [mailto:carlisle.adams@entrust.com]
Sent: Wednesday, July 10, 2002 2:47 PM
To: Gandee, Brad; 'Rights-Governance-Liaison (E-mail); 'DeMartini, Thomas'
Subject: RE: [rights-governance-liaison] FW: Friday concall for Governance SC...


12:00 EDT is fine with me.

I was not trying to cause extended negotiations -- I know it's hard to find a slot we can all make.  So 2:00 is out; we'll make 12:00 the final offer.

If anyone is NOT available for 12:00, just say so and we'll stick with 1:00 as Brad suggested.


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