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Subject: [rights-specification] [RLTC-Spec] Summary of Conference Call -2002-06-07

Title: [RLTC-Spec] Summary of Conference Call - 2002-06-07

Attendees (Y/N):

[Y] Carlisle Adams
[N] Bob Atkinson
[Y] Thomas DeMartini
[N] Bob DuCharme
[N] John Erickson
[N] Thomas Hardjono
[Y] Kawamori Masahito
[N] M. Paramasivam
[N] David Parrott
[N] Krishna Sankar
[Y] Peter Shirling
[N] Others: N/A

Action Items:

Thomas - Get different call-in number for the 19th.
Pete - Report back on availability of same call-in number after the 19th.
All - Work on change management process document to be finalized during the call on the 19th.


* Won't be able to use the same call-in # for the 19th.
* [RLTC-Spec] e-mail list will be open to OASIS.
* Work Items:
        * Change Management Process
        * CR Period
        * Core/sx Specs
                * Editing
                * Implementation
                * Voting
* Schedule:
        * Want to shoot to release first version of core/sx at the same
                * May change depending on what CRs we get.
        * Last date for input to MPEG through US National Body:
                * If we want to meet this, we'd need an OASIS-approved
                  Spec by 2003-05-01, which means we need RLTC-approved
                  Spec to send to OASIS by 2002-12-01.
                * This leaves us a reasonable amount of time to get work
                        * 1.5 months for implementation
                                * Finish spec writing by 2002-10-15
                        * 3 weeks for editing
                                * Deadline for CRs on 2002-09-??
                        * 3 months for processing CRs
                                * Change Management Process done on
                * Want to shoot for MPEG dates, though that may change
                  depending on what CRs we get.
                * Since we might get many CRs on the deadline, set the
                  deadline for CRs to 2002-09-10 and ask people to
                  submit CRs as soon as they are available, so that we
                  can finish most of them during the CR-processing
                  period before 2002-09-10 rather than during the
                  editing period between 2002-09-10 and 2002-10-15.
* Change Management Process:
        * "Template" to make CRs and to do dispositions.
        * Have fields for the different types of CRs and dispositions.
                * Example CR field: "core or sx"
                * Example disposition code: "should go in extension"
        * Description of Corrigendum/Amendment and that CRs submitted
          after the spec goes through OASIS should indicate whether the
          suggested change would involve a corrigendum or an amendment
          or whether it would break backwards compatibility.
                * Corrigendum - Bug fix.
                * Amendment - New functionality.
        * Have a first draft by 2002-06-12 for Governance/Liaisons to
          use in their presentation to MPEG Rights Expression Adhoc-
        * Finalize document at conference call on 2002-06-19.
* Meetings:
        * Every Wednesday starting on 2002-06-19.
                * 14:00-15:00 UTC.
        * If we know at one call that a call is not needed the following
          week, we can cancel the call that was supposed to be on the
          following week.


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