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Subject: [rights] Is this a ContentGuard OASIS IP Disclosure???

We've talked several times about Content Guard's disclosure of IP to this
TC, but I wonder if this posting a few days ago by Brad Gandee supersedes
it, since it makes a substantially stronger claim and implies to me that
Content Guard believes that all the other OASIS TCs in this area are also
within the scope of its patents.

I'd like to discuss this on our next conference call.

bob glushko

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Fri, 7 Jun 2002 16:32:31 -0400
From: "Gandee, Brad" <Brad.Gandee@CONTENTGUARD.COM>
Reply-To: Digital Rights Management <RIGHTS-L@LISTSERV.UTK.EDU>
Subject: Re: ContentGuard IP Disclosure

Mairead, All,

You asked: Surely this doesn't refer to all rights languages?

Answer: Yes the patents are not specific to XrML. In fact, the patents were
filed and granted before XrML even existed.

ContentGuard has been very active in standards efforts focused on the need
for and creation of a standard rights language.  This interest has been
expressed in organizations such as MPEG, OeBF, PRISM, SMPTE DC, TV Anytime,
ISMA, W3C, IDRM, just to name a few.  And now the IEEE in conjunction with
CEN/ISSS has scheduled two workshops on Digital Rights Expression Language.

ContentGuard has been actively submitting XrML as a solution in these
discussions.  A good example is MPEG where as extensive Requirements
gathering process was conducted from January to July of 2001.  At that point
a Call for Proposals was released.  There were a number of proposals
submitted including XrML from ContentGuard and an extensive evaluation made
in December of 2001.  At the end of that evaluation process the decision was
made by MPEG to use XrML as the basis for the development of the MPEG REL.
Some of the more prominent reasons for XrML's selection was the strength of
its core architecture, the extensibility that the architecture offered, and
the precision of the language (the lack of ambiguity that was found in some
of the other submissions) 

ContentGuard was very clear upon making our submission of the existence of
our patents and our intention to license the IP on RAND terms.

We are actively promoting the creation of extensions of XrML for domain
specific needs.  This will allow for the creation of applications and
components and will be interoperable across of a large number of domains
from eBooks or music to financial services, healthcare industry compliance
to HIPPA, to web services thus bringing the costs of those systems down and
speeding their adoption.

Brad Gandee

-----Original Message-----
From: Mairead Martin [mailto:maireadm@UTK.EDU]
Sent: Friday, May 31, 2002 10:31 AM
Subject: ContentGuard IP Disclosure

The following IP disclosure pertaining to the work of the OASIS Rights
Language Technical Commmittee was posted by ContentGuard on May 21:

"ContentGuard OASIS RL TC Intellectual Property Disclosure May 21, 2002.

At this time ContentGuard believes its US Patents 5,638,443, 5,634,012,
5,715,403, and 5,629,980 have claims that may necessarily be infringed by
the use of a rights expression language, such as the rights expression
language being promulgated by the RL TC, to implement digital rights
management technologies.

ContentGuard agrees to offer a license, on reasonable and
nondiscriminatory terms, to use any patent claim of US Patents 5,638,443,
5,634,012, 5,715,403, and 5,629,980 which are necessarily infringed by the
use of the rights expression language being promulgated by the RL TC."

(Available at

I haven't read the patents in question but wondered what the infringement
through "use of a rights expression language ... to implement digital
rights management technologies" entails? Surely this doesn't refer to all
rights languages? Would anyone from ContentGuard or involved in the OASIS
Rights Language effort care to comment?

Mairéad Martin

Ms. Mairéad Martin                              maireadm@utk.edu
Director, Advanced Internet Technologies        http://www.ait.utk.edu/
Office of Research & Information Technology     Tel: 865.974.6454
The University of Tennessee                     Fax: 865.974.6508

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