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Subject: Initial procedure for submitting changes to the working documents

The initial draft of the S-RAMP Foundation working draft document has been uploaded into the "Documents" section of the TC website:


In the last meeting, we discussed using SVN or the "Documents" section to disseminate the documents and track the changes made by the TC members. We concluded that SVN offers no benefit over the "Documents" area yet would require additional setup, and that (at least initially) we will use the "Documents" area.

I propose the following methodology for tracking and incorporating changes to these documents.

The Foundation Working Draft has change tracking enabled, so you can download this file and make proposed edits and add comments. Simply rename the file (using "Save As") and change the filename to include your last name (e.g., "s-ramp-foundation-v1.0-wd01-hauch.docx") and then upload your document to the "Documents" area under the "Standards" folder. If you continue to make changes and wish to share those, simply replace your document (using the "replace" link on the "Documents" page) with the newer revision.

Using email or our weekly telecons, the TC can review and discuss he comments and proposed changes shared by members in their respective documents. Once approved, the document editor will incorporate the approved changes and comments into the next master Working Draft version.


Best regards,

Randall Hauch
Principal Software Engineer
JBoss by Red Hat

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