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Subject: S-RAMP TC - Low meeting attendance

Good morning everyone.

As chair of the S-RAMP TC, I am a bit concerned about the low meeting attendance for the past few calls.  We either do not achieve quorum or we barely achieve quorum to conduct business.

As we come down the home stretch of the S-RAMP TC's work we are busily discussing proposals to open issues and we will soon be discussing the edits to the Foundation Document and the ATOM Binding Document.  The more people we have in those discussions the better the output of our work will be.

I encourage you all to participate if at all possible.    However, my concern is that there is an issue with the meeting time that is preventing people from attending.  We currently meet at 11AM EDT.  If this time is inconvenient for you please respond and let us know if there is a better time.  If there are other issues preventing you from attending, please email me directly  at brunssen@us.ibm.com so that I can plan accordingly.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.


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