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Subject: RE: [saml-dev] SAML Interop tech focus question

Colleagues - 
I would like to strongly second Don's suggestion for demonstrating
browser/post profile. Using this profile would enable us to demonstrate
an intra-domain push/pull model. I know that Joe Hawkins (Novell) has
also communicated that they are ready with this profile. Sigaba would
also be ready to demonstrate (as a consumer).

Are there any other interested parties?


Jahan Moreh
Chief Security Architect
tel: 310.286.3070
fax: 310.286.3076

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Don Bowen [mailto:don.bowen@sun.com]
> Sent: Friday, April 26, 2002 9:56 AM
> To: saml-dev@lists.oasis-open.org
> Subject: [saml-dev] SAML Interop tech focus question
> I know we need to limit scope creep, but I feel compelled to
> ask if anyone else is going to be ready to test browser/post 
> profile. Sun will be ready and would love to see that 
> included in the demo as well. To me this seems like a very 
> natural follow-on. You guys are the experts, but from my 
> limited understanding the post seems like a far better 
> approach and a more likely use case in the real world. If I'm 
> wrong, please feel free to educate me (and thanks in advance).
> Don;

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