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Subject: Re: [saml-dev] Network access for RSA-hosted dry run

Sorry, net mask of :-)


Don Bowen wrote:

What about a netmask of and 192.168.x.y where:
x would range from 1-N (N being number of participants, assigned in alphabetical order)
y would be 1-M (M being the number of machines a participant needed)

- this is off the top of my head
- you can see that designing networks isn't my day job

This is surely enough to get someone who really knows how to do it right to respond! :-)

I know someone (Hal/Prateek?) already proposed DNS names, but I'll re-read that after I post this.

Robert, whatever you end up with, Sun (provided we get confirmation soon) will leverage as a template. Thanks for doing this.


"Philpott, Robert" wrote:

Hey folks - I'm lining up network access for the dry run.
I've asked them to allow http, ftp, email, and VPN protocols through the firewall.Anything else?
Other network questions:
  1. Do we want a DHCP server set up for the local network?
  2. What about a DNS server? I would think it would be easiest to just configure an etc/hosts file that we all share, but I thought I'd ask. I'm not sure I'll have time to configure a system for this here, so I would probably need someone else to step up to the plate.
  3. Regardless of whether we want DHCP, I assume a bunch of the boxes will need static addresses. We should agree on ranges of address for each company to use. Someone want to propose something?
Rob Philpott
RSA Security Inc.
The Most Trusted Name in e-Security

Tel: 781-515-7115

Mobile: 617-510-0893

Fax: 781-515-7020


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