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Subject: Or-BAC


I am a contributor in the CVIF consortium. The CVIF consortium's goal is to provide a Identity Federation solution to the 17 public Universities in the Parisian region (Ile de France). Looking through the Oasis Web site, I was unable to find information about the XACML road map in regards of the Or-BAC (Organisation Based Access Control)  model. XACML v3.0 seems to implement an Access Control model in between the RBAC and the Or-BAC models. XACML v2.0 is RBAC (Role Based Access Control) oriented.

English publication about the Or-BAC model :
French publication about the Or-BAC model :
Could you please help,
Best regards,

Philippe Werle.

Philippe Werle
Centre de Ressources Informatique et Technologiques
IGE - Systèmes, Réseaux & Annuaires

Tél: 0149403279 - Fax: 0149403115 - Secr: 0149403112
mailto:werle@iutv.univ-paris13.fr ou mailto:dircrit@iutv.univ-paris13.fr
http://www.iutv.univ-paris13.fr - http://www-crit.iutv.univ-paris13.fr

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