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samldemoprimary message

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Subject: 1/26 SAML 2.0 InterOp Marketing Call Postponed until 2/2

Title: 1/26 SAML 2.0 InterOp Marketing Call Postponed until 2/2

The Marketing call for today (1/26) has been postponed and rescheduled for next Wednesday, 2/2 at 4 pm ET due to the snowstorm in Boston. 

Following is the conference call information for 2/2 meeting:
Date:                          2 Feb 2005
Start Time:                04:00 PM EST
Duration:                  01:00 hr
Access from Public Network: 781-515-2325
Conference Password:           4246

Separately, if you have not sent your list of employees who need Exhibitor Passes for the show (i.e. those employees participating in the Demo) to Brad Meehan (bmeehan@rsasecurity.com) and me, please do so as soon as possible since Brad needs to provide that list to the conference organizers.



Andy Moir
412-213-0338 Work
978-761-1648 Cell (New #)

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