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Subject: Change draft for #208: Case insensitive uriBaseId

I pushed a change draft for Issue #208, “Suggestion: Require uriBaseId to be case insensitive”:




The entire change is to add this paragraph to §3.3.3, “uriBaseId property”:


The value of uriBaseId SHALL be interpreted in a case insensitive manner. If the platform on which the SARIF consumer executes offers a language-independent case insensitive string comparison facility (for example, locale.ROOT in Java or StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase in .NET), the consumer SHOULD use that facility to compare uriBaseId values. Otherwise (that is, if no language-independent case insensitive string comparison is available, or if the SARIF consumer chooses not to use it), the SARIF consumer SHALL use English language casing conventions to perform the comparison.


We will move its adoption at TC #24 on Wednesday September 26th.




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