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Subject: Schema ballots: 7-day ballots starting tonight

Shortly, you will be notified of 13 schema ballots that will run from February 28th, 10pm PST, to March 7th, 10pm PST. Here is what you can expect.

* The ballots are only on the direction we should take. There are no change drafts associated with them. If the TC votes to approve them, then change drafts will be written. In that case, you will have an opportunity to vote on those change drafts when they become available.

* These ballots will not affect your voting privileges. However, to get an accurate picture of where we stand, I would like to encourage everyone to vote on each ballot. For each issue, you can vote Yes, No, or Abstain.

* The official text of the ballots will be in the OASIS system, but that system does not support markdown. Therefore, it may be easier to read some of the ballots by following the link to the github issue at the bottom of each ballot description.

* In addition to voting on each issue, you can ask questions or submit comments on it. If you do so, please do it in the github issues whose links appear at the bottom of the ballot descriptions.

*  You can change your vote any time during the 7-day ballot period.

* At any time during the ballot period, you can go look at the ballots on the OASIS site. First, log in to www.oasis-open.org, and then go to Groups -> My Groups -> OASIS Static Analysis Results Interchange Format (SARIF) TC -> Ballots.

* On the OASIS site, you can see who has voted so far and how they have voted, and can record or change your own vote.

* If there is enough interest in asking questions or discussing particular issues, Michael Fanning has offered to schedule some informal telephone meetings during the ballot period to help explain or resolve any topics.


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