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Subject: Re: [sarif] SARIF / AVCDL discussion

Iâve just updated the Penetration Testing Report document. In the AVCDL repository. If youâve cloned it, please take a moment and sync.

For everyone else hereâs the URL:

Iâd been awaiting information and itâd been in my inbox for two months.

Charles Wilson
Senior Principal Engineer, Cybersecurity Development Lifecycle Practice

On Oct 27, 2022, at 1:23 PM, Michael Fanning <Michael.Fanning@microsoft.com> wrote:

-----Original Appointment-----
From: charles.wilson@motional.com <charles.wilson@motional.com> 
Sent: Thursday, October 27, 2022 10:22 AM
To: charles.wilson@motional.com; Michael Fanning
Subject: SARIF / AVCDL discussion
When: Monday, October 31, 2022 8:00 AM-9:00 AM (UTC-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada).
Where: https://motional.zoom.us/j/93779775199?pwd=a3lmL1Y2ZEI4bERIUmpHVDdzOHhGdz09
SARIF / AVCDL discussion
This meeting is to present the AVCDL elements which intersect with SARIF.Join Zoom Meetinghttps://motional.zoom.us/j/93779775199?pwd=a3lmL1Y2ZEI4bERIUmpHVDdzOHhGdz09Meeting ID: 937 7977 5199Passcode: 

This meeting is to present the AVCDL elements which intersect with SARIF.

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Meeting ID: 937 7977 5199
Passcode: 255918


Monday Oct 31, 2022 â 11am â 12pm (Eastern Time - New York)



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