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sca-assembly message

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Subject: NEW ISSUE: usage of not promoted references

TARGET: SCA Assembly Specification

DESCRIPTION: If a component X has a reference with a binding attached to
it (ws.binding or jms.binding) and with no target in SCA terms, and that
component is used in a composite however the reference is NOT listed as
promoted. Is the reference still operational and what should happen if
the component code invokes it ?

That describes the common use case when a component is calling non-SCA
world and that component needs to be used in an assembly. Does the
assembler needs to promote a reference all the way up to the domain or
he/she can leave it as it is ?

PROPOSAL: Clarify the issue, and add a separate section in the spec with
examples how components calling non-SCA code via standard bindings can
be used in assembly.

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