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Subject: Draft Minutes SCA-Assembly 2008-03-11 are attached

Title: SCA-Assy - 2008-03-11



SCA-Assembly TC

11 MAR 2008


fred carter, (AmberPoint)
Dale Moberg, (Axway Software*)
David DiFranco, (BEA Systems, Inc.)
Jim Marino, (BEA Systems, Inc.)
Michael Rowley, (BEA Systems, Inc.)
Jacques Durand, (Fujitsu Limited*)
Tom Rutt, (Fujitsu Limited*)
Robert Freund, (Hitachi, Ltd.)
Eisaku Nishiyama, (Hitachi, Ltd.)
Eric Wells, (Hitachi, Ltd.)
Bryan Aupperle, (IBM)
Michael Beisiegel, (IBM)
David Booz, (IBM)
Graham Charters, (IBM)
Jean-Sebastien Delfino, (IBM)
Mike Edwards, (IBM)
Simon Holdsworth, (IBM)
Dieter Koenig, (IBM)
Simon Nash, (IBM)
Matthew Peters, (IBM)
Peter Furniss, (Iris Financial Solutions Ltd.)
Jeff Estefan, (Jet Propulsion Laboratory:*)
Martin Chapman, (Oracle Corporation)
Khanderao Kand, (Oracle Corporation)
Anish Karmarkar, (Oracle Corporation)
Rich Levinson, (Oracle Corporation)
Ashok Malhotra, (Oracle Corporation)
Sanjay Patil, (SAP AG*)
Mark Hapner, (Sun Microsystems)
Peter Walker, (Sun Microsystems)
Scott Vorthmann, (TIBCO Software Inc.)
Mike Edwards
Martin Chapman
Bob Freund
1. Opening
Roll call
Scribe confirmation
Agenda bashing
2. Approval of minutes of SCA-Assembly TC meeting of 19th February
3. Action Items:
2008-01-22-6: Karmarkar to coordinate with Alex Yu and produce a new proposal for Issue 14
2008-02-05-1: Edwards to post updated schemas
4. Vote on Committee Draft of the Specification
WD-03 has been posted to the mailing list and uploaded here:
5. New Issues
ASSEMBLY-53 No schema or extension model definitions for contributions
ASSEMBLY-54 interface.partnerLinkType
ASSEMBLY-55 Definition of Bindings
ASSEMBLY-56 Need to clarify definition of Bidirectional Interfaces
6. Existing Issues
ASSEMBLY-5 Component type allows to specify wire targets on references
ASSEMBLY-16 Component URI is not well described
Proposal contained in this email:
ASSEMBLY-33 Long-Running Request-Response Operations
The proposal is contained in this email:
ASSEMBLY-25 Can Implementation change property values after instantiaion
The proposal is contained in this email:
ASSEMBLY-8 SCDL artifact resolution underspecified
The proposal is discussed in these emails:
ASSEMBLY-31 Wiring from a reference with no binding to a service with abinding
The proposal is contained in the issue.
7. AOB


[1]  Opening
[2]  Action items
[3]  Vote on Cttee Draft
[4]  Copyright
[5]  Publication format of the authoritative version
[6]  Namespace
[7]  Shall we publish WD-03 as out first CD?
Table of Resolutions
Table of Action Items

Action Items

2008-01-22-6: id=2008-01-22-6 status=pending Karmarkar to coordinate with Alex Yu and produce a new proposal for Issue 14
2008-02-05-1: id=2008-02-05-1 status=pending Edwards to post updated schemas
2008-03-11-1: Edwards to chat with a lawyer on the copyright date and will use 2008 unless the lawyer advises otherwise
2008-03-11-2: editors to add appropriate wording to identify pdf as the authoritative version
2008-03-11-3: editors to change the ns to http://docs.oasis-open.org/ns/opencsa/sca/200712
2008-03-11-4: editors to publish the spec in pdf, xhtml and word format
2008-03-11-5: editors to add wordings that say that the schema that appears at the NS URI is authoritative
2008-03-11-6: owner=Malhotra to create a draft RDDL file




Scribe: Bob Freund


Roll - quorate 24 of 36 voting members
Agenda - agreed
Resolution: Approval of minutes of SCA-Assembly TC meeting of 26th February http://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/sca-assembly/download.php/27524/SCA%20Assembly%20minutes%202008-02-26.html w/o

Action items

Action: id=2008-01-22-6 status=pending Karmarkar to coordinate with Alex Yu and produce a new proposal for Issue 14
Action: id=2008-02-05-1 status=pending Edwards to post updated schemas

Vote on Cttee Draft

There is an apx that contains the schemas.
If the docs are to be published in the OASIS repository they require a separate schema file
The TC process does not talk about public visibility. The process does say however that they must be published as a plain text file
I propose that we publish the documents in the OASIS repository and create the separate schema files
We must add text that identifies the schema files as authoritative in case there is a difference between the spec and the schema files
What about the namespace question?
<Mike Edwards>
this appears to be what the steering cttee and the prior publication of the polict tc would indicate the use of http://docs.oasis-open.org/ns/opencsa/sca/200712
Resolution: http://docs.oasis-open.org/ns/opencsa/sca/200712 shall be used as our ns w/o


I thought the resolution was only about '200712' part of the namespace URI. The inclusion of 'ns' in the URI is still not certain, and pending on input from OASIS staff, AFAIK
I believe that this is the first publication of this material by OASIS so I think the copyright date ought to be 2008
I asked Mary this question and have not received an answer
Action: Edwards to chat with a lawyer on the copyright date and will use 2008 unless the lawyer advises otherwise
Mary says that once the CD has been voted then it cannot be changed

Publication format of the authoritative version

Resolution: m:Nash s:Karmarkar pdf shall be the authoritative format w/o
Action: editors to add appropriate wording to identify pdf as the authoritative version


Action: editors to change the ns to http://docs.oasis-open.org/ns/opencsa/sca/200712
Action: editors to publish the spec in pdf, xhtml and word format
I suggest that we create a RDDL file to define the latest version uri
Action: editors to add wordings that say that the schema that appears at the NS URI is authoritative
<Tom Rutt>
+1 to RDDL
Action: owner=Malhotra to create a draft RDDL file
<Tom Rutt>
+1 to RDDL

Shall we publish WD-03 as out first CD?

Motion: [1] m:Patil s: text in WD-03 to constitute the first CD
Wait until we are done and have a clean document to review
Editorial stuff is minor and can be accomodated
We can correct errors in future versions
Amendment: m:Rutt s:Baretto s/CD/CD and shall have the result of all of the action items we have agreed-to today
... and shall be published to the OASIS document repository
I question that the document be made public this soon
in that case, given the lifespan of a CD, I'd prefer it to be clean...
Amendment fails 7 to 10
Motion dies due to lack of time
Editors shall please do their ai's asap so that we can make more progress next week
Straggler Roll

[End of Minutes]
Formatted on 2008-03-11 at 17:48:02 GMT-4

Minutes formatted by Schreiber, a collection of XSLT stylesheets by Bob Freund modeled after David Booth's scribe

Schreiber diagnostics output

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edits: Line 126: bob: s/identified/identifies

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command-scribe: Line 4: Bob Freund recognized

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edit-substitute: command on line 161 succeeded, changed line 123 from 'Martin:' to 'Chapman:'

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edit-delete: Line 126 was deleted

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edit-delete: Line 131 was deleted

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edit-delete: Line 158 was deleted

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edit-substitute: command on line 161 succeeded, changed line 160 from 'Martin:' to 'Chapman:'

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system: Transformer: SAXON 8.9

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