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Subject: New WD-03 versions available

Per last weeks call, the editors have made new versions available at:

The changes are:
* updated copyright stmts
* updated all the NS URIs
* added wordings to make PDF normative
* added wordings to say that schema at NS URI is authoritative

I have also generated an html version, but it is not a single file. It 
consists of multiple files because of figures. I have not uploaded the 
html version to the web site. I hope we can vote on the PDF version for 
CD 01 (as that is normative) and allow the editors/chairs to work with 
OASIS staff to figure out how the html version should be generated (zip, 
mhtml etc).

Partial regrets for tomorrow's call. I'll be on a plane during the 1st 
half of the call. Will try to join during the latter half, if I can. If 
there are questions on the latest spec versions I hope I can answer them 
after I join the call (if not MichaelB should be able to answer them).



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