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Subject: Draft Minutes 2008-09-30 are attached

Title: SCA-Assy - 2008-10-30



SCA-Assembly TC
Commandant's House, Charleston Navy Yard, Boston Massachusetts

30 OCT 2008 - 01 OCT 2008



Dale Moberg
Robert Freund
Eisaku Nishiyama
Eric Wells
Bryan Aupperle
David Booz
Mike Edwards
Simon Holdsworth
Dieter Koenig
Simon Nash
Jim Marino
Martin Chapman
Anish Karmarkar
Ashok Malhotra
Plamen Pavlov
Scott Vorthmann


Mike Edwards
Martin Chapman


Bob Freund
Anish Karmarkar


Tuesday 30th September

09:00 - 09:30 Introduction & administrivia

09:30 - 10:30 Issue 37: Need to clarify contents of an SCA Domain virtual composite

10:30 - 10:45 Break

10:45 - 11:30 Issue 8: SCDL artifact resolution underspecified

11:30 - 12:00 Issue 16: Component URI is not well described

12:00 - 13:00 Lunch

13:00 - 13:30 Issue 36: Compatibility of Component Type side files

13:30 - 13:45 Issue 82: Relax schema to allow anywhere

13:45 - 14:00 Issue 32: SCA schema fixes requested for sca-core.xsd

14:00 - 14:30 Issue 5: Component type allows to specify wire targets on references

14:30 - 15:00 Issue 48: Defaulting composite reference targets to internal components

15:00 - 15:15 Break

15:15 - 15:30 Issue 51: Composite Completeness

15:30 - 15:45 Issue 73: What correlation support should SCA provide for callbacks?

15:45 - 16:15 Issue 64: Specification inconsistent on whether a default value for Property on a Constraining Type is allowed or not

16:15 - 16:45 Issue 62: What is the default value for many and mustSupply on Properties?

16:45 - 17:15 Issue 61: Component type information directly in components

17:15 - 17:30 Issue 60: Description elements in SCDL
17:30 Finish


Wednesday 1st October

09:00 - 10:00 Issue 33: Long-Running Request-Response Operations

10:00 - 10:30 Issue 77: How to map WSDL 1.1. portType to WSDL 2.0 interface and vice versa?

10:30 - 10:45 Break

10:45 - 11:15 Issue 44: Allow multiple definitions.xml files

11:30 - 12:00 Issue 34: Define error handling

12:00 - 12:30

12:00 - 13:00 Lunch

13:00 - 14:30 Compliance & Test Suite

14:30 - 14:45 Issue 58: Graphical representation of wires in included composites

14:45 - 15:00 Issue 55: Definition of Bindings

15:00 - 15:15 Break

15:15 - 15:30 Issue 54: interface.partnerLinkType

15:30 - 16:00 Issue 52: @ImplementationRef on Service or Reference to identify appropriate parts of the implementation

16:00 - 17:00 Issue 70: Deployment, Redeployment - Granularity and Semantics
Issue 76: SCA Assembly Specification should provide a lifecycle model for Components and related artifacts in the Domain
Issue 46: Dynamic Aspects of the Domain not adequately described in the Assembly Specification

17:00 - 17:30 Work Plan for Specification - towards CD02
17:30 - 18:00 Leave open for follow-up & conclusion


[1]  Opening
[2]  Issue 37: Need to clarify contents of an SCA Domain virtual composite
[3]  Issue 8: SCDL artifact resolution underspecified
[4]  Issue 16: Component URI is not well described
[5]  Issue 36: Compatibility of Component Type side files
[6]  Issue 82: Relax schema to allow anywhere
[7]  Issue 32: SCA schema fixes requested for sca-core.xsd
[8]  Issue 5: Component type allows to specify wire targets on references
[9]  Issue 48: Defaulting composite reference targets to internal components
[10]  Issue 60: Description elements in SCDL
[11]  Issue 33: Long-Running Request-Response Operations
[12]  Issue 77: How to map WSDL 1.1. portType to WSDL 2.0 interface and vice versa?
[13]  Issue 44: Allow multiple definitions.xml files
[14]  Compliance & Test Suite
[15]  Conformance Points
[16]  Issue 58: Graphical representation of wires in included composites
[17]  Issue 55: Definition of Bindings
[18]  Issue 54: interface.partnerLinkType
[19]  Issue 52: @ImplementationRef on Service or Reference to identify appropriate parts of the implementation
[20]  Issues 70, 76, and 46 relating to Lifecycles
[21]  issue 62
[22]  next steps
[23]  Fixing the time and location for the next face to face
[24]  AOB
Table of Resolutions
Table of Action Items

Action Items

id=2008-10-30-1 status=pending Vorthmann to examine the specification and create text that implements the directional resolution to Assembly-37
id=2008-10-30-2 status=pending Edwards to write up some specific text consistent with the directional resolution to Assembly-16
id=2008-10-30-3 status=pending Karmaker to develop concrete text consistent with the directional resolution to Assembly-36
id=2008-10-30-4 status=pending Editors to fix pseudoschemas a/r to be consistent with the resolution that resolves Assembly-32
id=2008-10-30-5 status=pending Vorthman to create a proposal relative to potential solution for issue 5
id=2008-10-30-6 status=pending Koenig do the detailed work to implement the resolution to Assembly-60
id=2008-10-30-7 status=pending Edwards to make a version of the spec and will label normative statements and will produce an example test case
id=2008-10-30-8 status=pending Freund to draft a conformance statement



Scribe: Bob Freund


<bob (Hitachi)>
Roll - 12 of 26 voting members, two short of quorum at the opening of the meeting
Roll - Now 13 of 26
Now quorate
Agenda - accepted
Resolution: Minutes of 2008-09-23 approved w/o

Issue 37: Need to clarify contents of an SCA Domain virtual composite

The protagonists face off across the ring...
<Martin C>
<Scott Vorthmann>
proposal: change original text of Dave's proposal in the jira, which is:
<Scott Vorthmann>
Composite level properties, services and references from
deployment composites are not deployed into the virtual SCA Domain composite.
<Scott Vorthmann>
change that to :
<Scott Vorthmann>
Composite level properties, services and references from deployment composites are not relevant in the domain composite, since it cannot be used as the implementation of another component
<Jim Marino>
Bob, when you get a chance, can you please add me as present?
Motion: m:Vorthmann s: Booz resolve issue 37 with "Composite level properties, services and references from deployment composites are not relevant in the domain composite, since it cannot be used as the implementation of another component"
Amendment: m:Karmarkar s:Vorthmann direction for resolution of issue 37: "Composite level properties, services and references from deployment composites are not relevant in the domain composite, since it cannot be used as the implementation of another component"
<Simon Nash>
SCA does not define a meaning for composite level properties, services and references in deployment composites, since the domain composite cannot be used as the implementation of another component"
amendment passes w/o
Amendment: (substitution) m:Nash s:Malhotra Resolve the direction for the resolution of Assembly-37 as "SCA does not define a meaning for composite level properties, services and references in deployment composites, since the domain composite cannot be used as the implementation of another component"
amendment by substitution passes w/o
Amendment: m:Karmarkar s:Nash append to the exiting motion -- A deployment composite must always be a valid composite per all the rules defined in the SCA specs
amendment passes w/o
Motion: (recitative) Resolve the direction for the resolution of Assembly-37 as "SCA does not define a meaning for composite level properties, services and references in deployment composites, since the domain composite cannot be used as the implementation of another component. A deployment composite must always be a valid composite per all the rules defined in the SCA specs.
Resolution: Resolve that the direction for the resolution of Assembly-37 shall be "SCA does not define a meaning for composite level properties, services and references in deployment composites, since the domain composite cannot be used as the implementation of another component. A deployment composite must always be a valid composite per all the rules defined in the SCA specs. w/o
Action: Vorthmann to examine the specification and create text that implements the directional resolution to Assembly-37
<Mike Edwards>
Next item:

Issue 8: SCDL artifact resolution underspecified

<Mike Edwards>
Chapman assumes chair
Edwards leads the discussion
<Martin C>
<Martin C>
<Dieter Koenig>
replace "wsdlLocation" by "location" (for the @location of wsdl:import, see http://www.w3.org/TR/wsdl#_document-n)
<Dieter Koenig>
bpel:import has an @importType in order to specify whether WSDL or XSD is imported, see http://docs.oasis-open.org/wsbpel/2.0/CS01/wsbpel-v2.0-CS01.html#_Toc151784207
<Dieter Koenig>
replace previous (backlevel) BPEL link by http://docs.oasis-open.org/wsbpel/2.0/OS/wsbpel-v2.0-OS.html#_Toc164738483
Motion: m:Edwards s: Freund Accept Issue8-Proposal-v6-sca-assembly-1.1-spec-Cd01.doc as the resolution of Issue 8 with the following changes:

Add after line 3111:
The SCA runtime must raise an error if an artifact cannot be resolved using these mechanism, if present.

Add on line 3104:
Note: This form of artifact resolution does not apply to imports of composite files, as described in Section 6.6

Replace end of line 3141/3142:

"must be searched in lexical order"

Replace 2nd sentence lline 3146/3147:
The first location as defined by lexical order is chosen. If no locations are specified no order exists and the one chosen is implementation dependent.

Add a diagram of the example after line 3168.

NB the PDF of the document is the normative text
at http://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/sca-assembly/email/archives/200809/bin00000.bin
Resolution: m:Edwards s:Freund resolve Assembly-8 with the motion above w/o

Issue 16: Component URI is not well described

<Mike Edwards>
<Mike Edwards>
proposal is in that email
service -> #service(name-of-the-service)
reference -> #reference(name-of-the-reference)
binding ->#binding(name-of-the-service/name-of-the-binding)
ref binding -> #ref-binding(name-of-the-ref/name-of-the-binding)
service binding -> #service-binding(name-of-the-service/name-of-the-binding)
Motion: m:Karmarkar s:Vorthmann the direction for Assembly-16 is adopted without aliases, fragment identification mechanism as written by Anish to used for things below component level. The structureURIs are relative URI with the base URI being the domain URI
<Scott Vorthmann>
sample to consider :
<Scott Vorthmann>
c1/c2/c3#service(foo) could be replaced with "c1/c2/c3/service(foo)", which is really just a shorthand for "component(c1)/component(c2)/component(c3)/service(foo)"
Resolution: m:Karmarkar s:Vorthmann the direction for Assembly-16 is adopted without aliases, fragment identification mechanism as written by Anish to used for things below component level. The structureURIs are relative URIs with the base URI being the domain URI w/o
Action: Edwards to write up some specific text consistent with the directional resolution to Assembly-16

Issue 36: Compatibility of Component Type side files

<Mike Edwards>
<Dave Booz>
for the record, here's what the assembly spec says now (cd01 rev1) on this:
<Dave Booz>
172 The component type is calculated in two steps where the second step adds to the information
173 found in the first step. Step one is introspecting the implementation (if possible), including the
174 inspection of implementation annotations (if available). Step two covers the cases where
175 introspection of the implementation is not possible or where it does not provide complete
176 information and it involves looking for an SCA component type file. Component type
177 information found in the component type file must be compatible with the equivalent information
178 found from inspection of the implementation. The component type file can specify partial179 information, with the remainder being derived from the implementation.
<Simon Nash>
are we taking people from the queue or should people just jump in when they want to say something?
<Dave Booz>
Mike E is trying to get you in
Each C&I specifies (1) if a CT side file(s) is allowed (2) if introspection is allowed, (3) name and location of side files(s) (4) compatibility between introspected CT and side file(s), (5) how the effective CT of an implementation is derived. SCA Assembly only cares about the effective CT.
Each implementation has an (effective) CT, specified by sca:ComponentType, how that is arrived at depends on the implementation type.
Resolution: m:Vorthmann s:Aupperle accept Anish's text above as a direction for the resolution to Assembly-36
<Mike Edwards>
13:30 - 13:45 Issue 82: Relax schema to allow anywhere
Action: Karmaker to develop concrete text consistent with the directional resolution to Assembly-36

Issue 82: Relax schema to allow anywhere

Resolution: m:Moberg s:Vorthmann Close Assembly-82 with no action w/o
<Simon Nash>
is there a motion?
<Simon Nash>
ok just saw that
<Mike Edwards>
ok with that?
<Simon Nash>
i did not see motion in the chat room before the vote happened
<Mike Edwards>
Issue 82 is closed with no action
<Simon Nash>
maybe I was the one out of sync...

Issue 32: SCA schema fixes requested for sca-core.xsd

Dale discusses his issue
<element ref="sca:interface" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" />
<element name="operation" type="sca:Operation" minOccurs="0"
maxOccurs="unbounded" />
<choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
<element ref="sca:binding" />
<any namespace="##other" processContents="lax"
minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" />
<element ref="sca:callback" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" />
<any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0"
maxOccurs="unbounded" /> </sequence>
change it to:
<element ref="sca:interface" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" />
<element name="operation" type="sca:Operation" minOccurs="0"
maxOccurs="unbounded" />
<element ref="sca:binding" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<element ref="sca:callback" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" />
<any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0"
maxOccurs="unbounded" /> </sequence>
for reference change it to:
<complexType name="Reference">
<element ref="sca:interface" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" />
<element name="operation" type="sca:Operation" minOccurs="0"
maxOccurs="unbounded" />
<element ref="sca:binding" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<element ref="sca:callback" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" />
<any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0"
maxOccurs="unbounded" />
same fix (remove choice and change cardinality of sca:binding to 0..unbounded) for ComponentService and ComponentReference type decl
Motion: m:Karmarkar s:Vorthmann Resolve Assembly-32 by the following: service, reference, ComponentService and ComponentReference in sca-core.xsd to remove the 1st choice, remove the <any> in choice and change the cardinality of sca:binding to 0..unbounded
Resolution: Resolve Assembly-32 by the following: service, reference, ComponentService and ComponentReference in sca-core.xsd to remove the 1st choice, remove the <any> in choice and change the cardinality of sca:binding to 0..unbounded w/o
Action: Editors to fix pseudoschemas a/r to be consistent with the resolution that resolves Assembly-32

Issue 5: Component type allows to specify wire targets on references

Edwards describes Henning's issue
Action: Vorthman to create a proposal relative to potential solution for issue 5

Issue 48: Defaulting composite reference targets to internal components

<Dave Booz>
from cd01 rev1:
<Dave Booz>
861 Where a component reference is promoted by a composite reference, the promotion MUST be
862 treated from a multiplicity perspective as providing 0 or more target services for the component
863 reference, depending upon the further configuration of the composite reference. These target
864 services are in addition to any target services identified on the component reference itself, subject865 to the rules relating to multiplicity described in this section.
<Simon Nash>
please ignore the above
<Simon Nash>
These target services are in addition to any target services identified on the component reference itself, unless the rules relating to multiplicity described in this section preclude additional services, in which case these target services are overrides.
<Simon Nash>
getting closer, modulo typos
Motion: m:Nash s:Karmarkar Resolve Assembly48 replace lines 863 through 865 in cd01 rev1 with "These target services are in addition to any target services identified on the component reference itself, unless the rules relating to multiplicity described in this section preclude additional services, in which case these target services are overrides."
From Robrt's "Likewise, motions are out of order if they conflict with a motion that has been adopted by the society and has been neither rescinded, nor reconsidered and rejected after adoption. Such conflicting motions, if adopted, are null and void unless adopted by the vote required to rescind or amend the motion previously adopted."
Does the resolution of ASSEMBLY-41 help in any way with the @replace attribute?
As in:
Vorthman Calls the question
The motion of the Previous Question fails
Motion: m:Anish s:Moberg Motion to defer indefinitely
Resolution: m:Anish s:Moberg Motion to defer indefinitely w/o

Issue 60: Description elements in SCDL

Motion: m:Malhotra s:Karmarkar Resolve Assembly-60 by accepting the proposal in the Jira
<Dieter Koenig>
issue 60 - proposed xml schema enhancement
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xsd:schema xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" elementFormDefault="qualified" attributeFormDefault="unqualified">

<!-- extension base for all SCA complex types -->
<xsd:complexType name="DocumentationBase">
<xsd:element ref="documentation" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>

<xsd:element name="documentation" type="Documentation"/>
<xsd:complexType name="Documentation" mixed="true">
<xsd:any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xsd:attribute ref="xml:lang"/>
<xsd:anyAttribute namespace="##other" processContents="lax" />

<!-- example usage -->
<xsd:element name="foo" type="anyScaType"/>
<xsd:complexType name="anyScaType">
<xsd:extension base="DocumentationBase">
<xsd:element name="someElement" type="xsd:string"/>
<xsd:attribute name="someAttribute" type="xsd:string"/>

Amendment: m:Koenig s:Karmarker add schema above to the previous motion
amendment passes w/o
Resolution: (as amended) Resolve Assembly-60 with the motion above
Action: Koenig do the detailed work to implement the resolution to Assembly-60

Issue 33: Long-Running Request-Response Operations

Issue 77: How to map WSDL 1.1. portType to WSDL 2.0 interface and vice versa?

It is our understanding that this topic has been discussed in the Java Bindings TC, the Assembly TC having deferred discussion for three weeks to allow its consideration, however as of this time minutes of the Java Bindings TC in which we think it was discused have not been posted
Motion: m:Karmarker s:Booz Resolve Assembly-77 with the second proposal contained in its Jira entry
Resolution: m:Karmarker s:Booz Resolve Assembly-77 with the second proposal contained in its Jira entry w/o

Issue 44: Allow multiple definitions.xml files

Edwards channels Rowley
Motion: m:Freund s:Malhotra Resolve Assembly-44 with the proposal in the Jira
Resolution: m:Freund s:Malhotra Resolve Assembly-44 with the proposal in the Jira on a 5 to 4 vote

Compliance & Test Suite

The room clears out...
Separate issues a) Comformance points and b) Testing

Conformance Points

Some things are easily defined in xsd, others are not so easy to define
Action: Edwards to make a version of the spec and will label normative statements and will produce an example test case
Action: Freund to draft a conformance statement

Issue 58: Graphical representation of wires in included composites

Motion: m:Malhotra s:Wells Resolve Assembly-58 by closing with no action
Resolution: m:Malhotra s:Wells Resolve Assembly-58 by closing with no action w/o

Issue 55: Definition of Bindings

Motion: m:Vorthmann s:Booz Resolve Assembly-55 by closing with no action
Resolution: m:Vorthmann s:Booz Resolve Assembly-55 by closing with no action w/o

Issue 54: interface.partnerLinkType

<Mike Edwards>
<Dieter Koenig>
WS-BPEL 2.0 partner link types are defined here: http://docs.oasis-open.org/wsbpel/2.0/OS/wsbpel-v2.0-OS.html#_Toc164738487
Motion: m:Karmarkar s:Freund Resolve Assembly-54 to close with no action and to communicate to BPEL TC that Assembly is not interested in including this functionality
Resolution: m:Karmarkar s:Freund Resolve Assembly-54 to close with no action and to communicate to BPEL TC that Assembly is not interested in including this functionality on an 8 to 3 vote with one abstention

Issue 52: @ImplementationRef on Service or Reference to identify appropriate parts of the implementation

Assembly-52 has been closed on 2008-06-03 with no action as recorded in the minutes of that date

Issues 70, 76, and 46 relating to Lifecycles

<Mike Edwards>
Issue 70: Deployment, Redeployment - Granularity and Semantics
Issue 76: SCA Assembly Specification should provide a lifecycle model for Components and related artifacts in the Domain Issue 46: Dynamic Aspects of the Domain not adequately described in the Assembly Specification

Scribe: Anish Karmarkar

discussion on lifecycle, stages and dynamicity
can we separate the lifecycle ideas from the versioning problem?
don't try to solve the versioning problem
if you undeploy and deply another one, there isn't a problem
for bpel, you may not want to have the undeployed version go away
martin & scott: not much we can say here
if undeploy action necessarily stops things, we cannot update dynamically
why would we want it to we restrictive
one option is to say that for new 'instances' things get updated dynamically. old instances don't
not sure what we can say in assembly. C&Is can do whatever they want
if one C&I says certain things are possible and another says something else. How will the runtime support different things?
it is even worse, different runtimes for the same runtime may do different things
that is a portability argument, bryan's Q is about implementability
let's have a proposal and then we can discuss
policy describes roles. we could do similar. instead of defining stages/state diagram we could just define roles.
Motion: m:Edwards s:Karmarkar CNA issue 76
seems to be that all three issues could be closed with guidance to the C&I TCs
no objection to the motion
Resolution: m:Edwards s:Karmarkar CNA issue 76 w/o
Motion: m:Booz s:Karmarkar CNA issue 70
no objection to the motion
Resolution: m:Booz s:Karmarkar CNA issue 70 w/o

issue 62

<Mike Edwards>
<Mike Edwards>
+ "remove the mustSupply attribute from the property element of contrainingType (line 2267 in CD01-Rev2)"
Motion: m:Edwards s:Nash resolve issue 62 with proposal at http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/sca-assembly/200809/msg00052.html + "remove the mustSupply attribute from the property element of contrainingType (line 2267 in CD01-Rev2)"
no objection to the motion
Resolution: m:Edwards s:Nash resolve issue 62 with proposal at http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/sca-assembly/200809/msg00052.html + "remove the mustSupply attribute from the property element of contrainingType (line 2267 in CD01-Rev2)"
TC thanks Bob and Hitachi for the wonderful facilities for f2f and the dinner and cruise

next steps

rfc 2119 stuff
cd02 and section 3 (example)
need a f2f for rfc 2119 for the whole TC or a subset
Folks interested in rewriting the spec with 2119 language: Martin, Mike, Eric
the testing and 2119 calls with happen every other week
2119 spec rewrite will use the testing subcommittee ML etc

Scribe: Bob Freund

Fixing the time and location for the next face to face

Target time is January, week of the 26th tentatively
A message will go to the list suggesting this time and requesting offers to host.


having no other business, the meeting is adjourned at 05:29

[End of Minutes]
Formatted on 2008-10-12 at 15:44:41 GMT-5

Minutes formatted by Schreiber, a collection of XSLT stylesheets by Bob Freund modeled after David Booth's scribe

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edit-delete: Line 156 was deleted

edit-substitute: command on line 170 succeeded, changed line 169 from 'Issue' to 'Topic: Issue'

edit-delete: Line 170 was deleted

edit-substitute: command on line 175 succeeded, changed line 174 from 'Issue' to 'Topic: Issue'

edit-delete: Line 175 was deleted

edit-substitute: command on line 178 succeeded, changed line 177 from 'Ashok' to 'Malhotra'

edit-delete: Line 178 was deleted

edit-substitute: command on line 185 succeeded, changed line 184 from 'Com' to 'Topic: Com'

edit-delete: Line 185 was deleted

edit-substitute: command on line 191 succeeded, changed line 190 from 'Some' to 'Edwards: Some'

edit-delete: Line 191 was deleted

edit-substitute: command on line 196 succeeded, changed line 195 from 'Issue' to 'Topic: Issue'

edit-delete: Line 196 was deleted

edit-substitute: command on line 200 succeeded, changed line 199 from 'Issue' to 'Topic: Issue'

edit-delete: Line 200 was deleted

edit-substitute: command on line 204 succeeded, changed line 203 from 'Issue' to 'Topic: Issue'

edit-delete: Line 204 was deleted

edit-substitute: command on line 210 succeeded, changed line 209 from 'Issue' to 'Topic: Issue'

edit-delete: Line 210 was deleted

edit-insert: i/ command line 211.1 inserted before source line

edit-delete: Line 214 was deleted

command-scribe: Line 215: Anish Karmarkar is recognized

command-scribe: Line 215: Anish Karmarkar's nick anish has been selected

edit-substitute: command on line 218 succeeded, changed line 217 from 'can' to 'can we'

edit-delete: Line 218 was deleted

citation-detection-scribed: Line 222: Check for possible unrecognized nick 'martin & scott'

edit-substitute: command on line 224 succeeded, changed line 223 from 'can' to 'cannot'

edit-delete: Line 224 was deleted

edit-substitute: command on line 226 succeeded, changed line 225 from 'be' to 'we'

edit-delete: Line 226 was deleted

citation-detection-scribed: Line 252: Check for possible unrecognized nick 'Folks interested in rewriting the spec with 2119 language'

command-scribe: Line 255: Bob Freund is recognized

command-scribe: Line 255: Bob Freund's nick bob has been selected

citation-detection-scribed: Line 260: Check for possible unrecognized nick 'having no other business, the meeting is adjourned at 05'

system: Transformer: SAXON

[End of Schreiber diagnostic output]

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