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Subject: [NEW ISSUE] wireFormat and operationSelector element declarations don'thave @abstract="true"

Raiser:                Mike Edwards

Target:                sca-assembly-1.1-spec-cd03.pdf


The way in which the XSD is constructed for the wireFormat and operationSelector is incorrect and causes problems for
other specifications (particularly Bindings specs).

Currently, wireFormat and operationSelector are declared as follows:

<element name="wireFormat" type="sca:WireFormatType"/>
<complexType name="WireFormatType" abstract="true">

<element name="operationSelector" type="sca:OperationSelectorType"/>
<complexType name="OperationSelectorType" abstract="true">

The problem here is that the element declarations for wireFormat and operationSelectoor are not declared "abstract", which
then requires them to be described in specifications that don't provide support for concrete types that extend wireFormat or

This is not the way in which other extension points are declared - compare with Binding:

<element name="binding" type="sca:Binding" abstract="true"/>
<complexType name="Binding" abstract="true">

In this case, only a specification which provides an extension to the Binding type (such as binding.ws) needs to describe the
Binding element, since abstract elements cannot be used.


Change the wireFormat and operationSelector element declarations to use "abstract":

<element name="wireFormat" type="sca:WireFormatType" abstract="true"/>
<complexType name="WireFormatType" abstract="true">

<element name="operationSelector" type="sca:OperationSelectorType" abstract="true"/>
<complexType name="OperationSelectorType" abstract="true">

Yours,  Mike.

Strategist - Emerging Technologies, SCA & SDO.
Co Chair OASIS SCA Assembly TC.
IBM Hursley Park, Mail Point 146, Winchester, SO21 2JN, Great Britain.
Phone & FAX: +44-1962-818014    Mobile: +44-7802-467431  
Email:  mike_edwards@uk.ibm.com

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