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Subject: Re: [sca-assembly] Re: [ASSEMBLY-249]: Need some notion of "callback" addressin conjunction with eventing


Comment #2.

So it sounds now as if you want the "replyTo" concept to be something that an assembler expresses in the configuration of a composite.
Please correct me if I've misunderstood that.

The problem I'm having is seeing just what that configuration would look like.  I think it is likely to be necessary to draw out a couple of
example composites that demonstrate the "replyTo" concept in action.  Can you do that?

For me, it seems as if the existing model supports everything that is needed for the assembler.  But clearly you don't think so.
The best I can do is speculate as to what you really want to see - but at the moment I am struggling to come up with a formulation
that makes sense at an assembly level.

For example, let me assume a component with one consumer and one producer (simplest imaginable for the implied function here).

It seems as if you want to see the possibility of configuring the component producer so that:

a) the producer can send events to 2 (or more) channels
- the thinking here is that each of the channels represents some specific target or targets

b) each producer channel connection is given something like a "producer filter", so that events are only sent to that channel if some condition is met
c) the producer filter can be expressed in terms of some metadata about some incoming message (let me call the metadata "receivedFrom"
for the moment)

The bits I don't really understand are:

1. How it is known that a given event produced by a component is relatedTo a particular event previously received by that component
- this touches on the "tight coupling" that I've harped on about

2. Whether the metadata involved in this function requires standardization (this links back to my previous comments that so far we did not
standardize metadata - not that we should not but rather that we chose not to do so until now...)

Yours,  Mike.

Strategist - Emerging Technologies, SCA & SDO.
Co Chair OASIS SCA Assembly TC.
IBM Hursley Park, Mail Point 146, Winchester, SO21 2JN, Great Britain.
Phone & FAX: +44-1962-818014    Mobile: +44-7802-467431  
Email:  mike_edwards@uk.ibm.com

From: Eric Johnson <eric@tibco.com>
To: Mike Edwards/UK/IBM@IBMGB
Cc: OASIS Assembly <sca-assembly@lists.oasis-open.org>
Date: 09/11/2010 02:02
Subject: Re: [sca-assembly] Re: [ASSEMBLY-249]: Need some notion of "callback" address in conjunction with eventing

Hi Mike,

I agree, an inline response might further complicate matters, so let me see if I can take your points, restate them, and see what we can discuss, and see what I can clarify.

MJE: The one important point with references is that the client KNOWS the number of responders

EEJ: Agreed.  The scenarios I'm trying to address do not assume that knowledge.

MJE: To me, the EXPECTATION of a particular response implies service-like behavior.

EEJ: Agreed.  What I'm getting at is the expectation of the possibility of some kind of "response", without knowing where the "response", if any, is coming from, and what form that "response" will take, or even whether, strictly speaking, you'd call it a "response."

MJE: The "ReplyTo" notion indicates the expectation of a particular pattern of messages, which I think is actually modelled in SCA using services/references with one-way messages and callbacks.

EEJ: The word Danny used was "deconstructionist."  This is but one possible way to use "ReplyTo".  As I mentioned in my email, the mistake JMS makes, which WS-Addressing doesn't make, is to assume one particular metadata label for this construct.  In 90% of the use-cases, that single piece of additional metadata, however employed, can serve a valuable role, even if, strictly speaking, it isn't a "reply" channel.

MJE: Well, that is an important point - it may well be the case that the message business payload carries some identification that can later be used for "relatesTo" information in subsequent events that are generated.

EEJ: The trouble is, if you always force that back upon the application/business logic, then the business logic may need to make decisions about where to send follow-on messages.  However, if you let the incoming message dictate transport level details about where to send follow-on events, then the business logic doesn't need to care.

MJE: For this feature to be of any real use, then it is an application-to-application communication function.  In other words, when a component produces an event and sends it out into the world, the component itself MUST have the unique ID for that event (either generated by the component itself OR by some API involved in the produce process).  Equally, when an event is consumed by some other component, that component must be able to a) know that there is a unique ID for the event  and  b) obtain that ID

EEJ: I don't agree that this is necessarily an application to application communication function, at least not in the way that you describe.  Component A sends an event via some channel X, which happened to arrive at Component B, with the request that subsequent "related" messages get sent to channel Y, which might end up at Component C.  Likewise Component D sends a message to channel X, and it again happens to land at component B.  However D requested that "related" messages get sent to channel Z, and that happens to land at Component E.  Presumably both Component C & E know the subject of the events that they receive - they do not need to know the transport details that led them to receive those messages.  That would be extra coupling!

MJE: One thing to note about this is that it makes *NO* assumptions about who receives any events with "relatesTo" metadata.  This may mean that "relatesTo" may be meaningless for some consumers of an event, but I see no harm in that.

EEJ: Agreed!

MJE: The bit I don't buy is the notion that "replyTo" seems to indicate a direct connection of some kind back to a single component only (A) for the events produced by B, C, D in response to an initial event from A.  Why can't assemblers choose to direct those events wherever they please?

EEJ: I think they should be able to as well.  Both you and Peter, if I remember correctly, seem to have been confused by my random mutterings, thinking I want "replyTo" to come back to the particular component, under the control of the component.  In both cases, I'd say no.  I fully expect that the assembler decides the response destination, and that may be whatever the assembler chooses, and it might be the original component, or it might not.  Notably, it might be to another channel.

MJE: Ahem, I beg to differ on the interpretation here - far from "loose coupling", this "replyTo" notion is an introduction of much tighter coupling between 2 components.

EEJ: I don't see a better, easy way to address the scenario I put above, where component B sends follow-up events based on decisions by the assembler, because of where events to component B originated.  I don't see how you can do this with current services and references.  I don't see how you can do it with current eventing.

You might be able to get something to work by injecting properties into a components A & D so that it can augment the business data to indicate where B is supposed to send follow-on messages, but that further requires that B knows that it has to pay attention to additional business data to route messages.  So at best, the assembler can suggest an intention only indirectly, and it relies on a proper implementation of B to manage message routing.  All of which is unnecessary, since all of the possible bindings could support it.

So yes, you are introducing an unnecessary tighter coupling if you don't support *something* additional here.

MJE: You will need to convince me on point #4 - I don't see "tight coupling elsewhere", neither do I see inefficiencies.

EEJ: To be fair, one further way to solve the scenario I outlined above would be for components C & E to listen to a known channel.  However, I think this now implies, (a) decisions at a business logic level, (b) additional messages processed by both C & E.  It is simply less flexible.

MJE: SCA can use the wire protocol features when they are useful, but only as a reflection of the composition goals that are already shown in the SCA assemblies.

EEJ: I agree.  I don't want to consider this as specific to the JMS notion of JMSReplyTo.  I want to solve something like the scenarios I've outlined above.  What little research I did into this suggests the possibility of any possible "eventing" capable transport of carrying a notion of "subsequent destinations".  Call those whatever you wish.  JMS happens to (narrowly) call this a "reply to".  But as near as I can tell, that is the 90-99% use case.  So I think we should be able to leverage this transport capability in SCA, but that means providing some means to model, in the assembly, some way to wire something that maps to this transport level property.

Not supporting this notion feels like composing an eventing system with one hand tied behind your back.

Hopefully that brings some clarity to the points.


On 11/8/10 2:37 AM, Mike Edwards wrote:


I'll try one further inline response, but I'm concerned this will get very messy.

Yours,  Mike.

Strategist - Emerging Technologies, SCA & SDO.
Co Chair OASIS SCA Assembly TC.
IBM Hursley Park, Mail Point 146, Winchester, SO21 2JN, Great Britain.
Phone & FAX: +44-1962-818014    Mobile: +44-7802-467431  

Eric Johnson
<eric@tibco.com> wrote on 04/11/2010 23:01:27:

> [image removed]
> Re: [sca-assembly] Re: [ASSEMBLY-249]: Need some notion of
> "callback" address in conjunction with eventing

> Eric Johnson
> to:

> Mike Edwards

> 04/11/2010 23:06

> Cc:

> OASIS Assembly

> Hi Mike,
> It is possible we're vehemently agreeing on many points.  Which
> should make this an interesting discussion....
> On 11/4/10 9:11 AM, Mike Edwards wrote:
> Folks,
> This message from Eric starts to get into one of the things that
> Danny raised on he call earlier this week, namely the
> inability of SCA to model the various messaging patterns describable in WSDL.
> I DISAGREE that this is the case, and I will describe how SCA can
> deal with these cases.
> > * message out, maybe message back
> > * message out, N messages back
> > * message out *, message back
> Currently, SCA can do ALL of these using references & services,
> using Callbacks.
> I agree, to the extent that you're talking about a single consumer
> at the destination.  Concretely mapping this to JMS (or email), all
> I know is that I send messages to a destination, and I don't know if
> I get a "message" back at all, whether I get five "messages" back,
> or just one, and I further don't know if those "messages" will come
> from the same source.

> Where a service has both an interface AND a callback interface, then
> it is saying:
> - for any forward invocation of the service
> -- there may be 0, 1 or many invocations of any one of the
> operations in the callback
>    interface (which can also be read as "response messages")
> - the invocation of an operation on the callback interface can occur
> in response to one forward invocation
> -- or to some sequence of multiple forward invocations

> Yes, all true.  The way I read it, you've assumed a single
> "responder", whereas I have not.

SCA references provide for 0..n and 1..n multiplicity which gives as many responders

as you wish.  The one important point with references is that the client KNOWS the

number of responders.

> I perceive an important semantic distinction between "here's a
> message", and "invoke particular operation", even if they're called
> with the same data.  Eventing systems move data, whereas "services"
> systems perform actions based on parameters.  I think they align
> about as much as REST does with SOAP.  You can accomplish the same
> ends with both, but with REST you think primarily about resources,
> representations, and state, whereas with SOAP you think about verbs
> and parameters.  You can end up in radically different places, with
> radically different architectural implications.  In my head at
> least, that analogous distinction extends to messaging/eventing vs.
> web-services/SOAP.

Well, yes and no.

To me, the EXPECTATION of a particular response implies service-like behaviour.

Event style interactions can make no assumption at all about there being any

kind of response to a given emitted event, even where multiple consumers
receive the event.

The "ReplyTo" notion indicates the expectation of a particular pattern of

messages, which I think is actually modelled in SCA using services/references

with one-way messages and callbacks.

I harp on about this because some while ago we discussed the whole question of

why we could not model all of event processing using this technique of one-way

messages with callbacks... and we decided that event processing was different

in a number of significant ways.

> > * message out, message back to different component
> - this is supported through an override of the callback binding
> HOWEVER this is then rightly an aspect
> of the configuration of the ASSEMBLY and not the result of some
> individual implementation artifact
> deciding on the wiring - ie there is no way that the "client"
> component should itself be dictating
> the target for the response - that MUST be part of the composition/assembly.
> I agree completely.

> Now, I think the real debate here is whether "replyTo" has **ANY**
> place in the style of Event Processing
> that the SCA spec tries to describe.
> Looking forward in your email, you through out a notion of
> "relatesTo".  That *exactly* what I'm trying to get at with this issue.
> In certain circumstances, the "relatesTo" meta-data exists as part
> of the application-defined payload of a message, and that's probably
> unavoidable.  I don't want to aim to boil the ocean, as it were.

Well, that is an important point - it may well be the case that the message

business payload carries some identification that can later be used for
"relatesTo" information in subsequent events that are generated.

> I'd like however, if the binding can handle the "relatesTo" notion
> whenever it makes sense.  That raises exactly the question I'm
> trying to get at - how does the binding even *know* that it is
> supposed to manufacture a unique identifier so that a subsequently
> delivered message can be correlated via some notion of "relatesTo"?
> When that subsequent message does arrive, how does the binding layer
> even know to associate it with whatever state it might have stored
> earlier?  How did the first, second, or third consumer know where to
> send the "relatesTo" information?

Well, this is *not* a bindings question, first & foremost.  For this feature

to be of any real use, then it is an application-to-application communication

function.  In other words, when a component produces an event and sends it
out into the world, the component itself MUST have the unique ID for that

event (either generated by the component itself OR by some API involved

in the produce process).  Equally, when an event is consumed by some other

component, that component must be able to a) know that there is a unique ID

for the event  and  b) obtain that ID

There would then need to be a further step for the receiving component so that

when it produces some other event(s), that it can "label" one or more of those

events with a piece of "relatesTo" metadata, which can be retrieved by whichever

components receive that event.

One thing to note about this is that it makes *NO* assumptions about who

receives any events with "relatesTo" metadata.  This may mean that "relatesTo"

may be meaningless for some consumers of an event, but I see no harm in that.

> How can the consuming binding of a message receive the necessary
> information from the incoming message and stash it, such that when
> the consumer then produces a message that relates to the originally
> received message, it will work?  The code calling the producer must
> either get at the "relatesTo" information, or tell the producer it's
> invoking to look up that previously saved state....

Now, I've used the dreaded word - "METADATA" - and I've used it deliberately.

These pieces of information - eventID and relatesTo - I regard as metadata.

We've made provision for there to be metadata related to events, but so far

we have not taken the step to standardize any metadata.

Do the functions outlined here represent metadata that we should seek to

standardize? (And for the client APIs in language X, some functions to

manipulate said metadata???)

> The real question that Eric & Danny need to address is how an SCA
> event producer can make **any** assumption
> that the receiving component actually produces any kind of response
> message.  A subsidiary question is whether
> the event producer can also make some assumption that the receiving
> component will **only** send some message
> back to the event producer and nowhere else.
> I don't think I've made either assumption.  The only assumption I
> want to make is that an assembler can *choose* to do so with event
> producers and consumers that declare that they have an
> implementation that leverages the notion of "relatesTo" or "replyTo".

> I think that our current model of event processing is simply more
> loosely coupled than this.  If an event
> producer anticipates that some new events may be generated as a
> result of some events that it produces, then
> I would say that the component with the producer should also have a
> consumer for that type (or types) of event.
> I can think of use-cases where that doesn't work.  For example,
> assume I have a component A that produces messages on some global
> domain channel //foo.  At some point, some set of components show up
> in the system, and start receiving messages on //foo, and perhaps
> some of those components (call them B, C, D) start sending
> "relatesTo" information about messages originally sent to //foo.
> How can component A catch these "relatesTo" messages?  Option (1) -
> listen to a predetermined channel //bar (or //foo?) where those
> messages are expected to be sent.  Fails if the assembler doesn't
> wire producers on B, C, and D properly, and unfortunately, this key
> bit of information *isn't* in the model.  Option (2) - A consumes on
> the default domain channel "//".  Problematic in that hosting
> environment of A, if not A itself now sees far more messages than it
> needs to, in order to find the ones it does want.  Option (3) - as
> part of the originally produced message, send an indication of where
> the "relatesTo" messages ought to be sent.  This last approach works
> even if A, B, C, and D are deployed in different composites and at
> different times.

Well, I'll start by saying that components don't turn up randomly in the

system and if the assembler isn't in control then all kinds of crazy things

may occur.  Option (1) seems a reasonable approach.  I'd certainly expect

the assembler a) to know that B, C, D actually produce these types of event

and b) to know that those events need to be sent somewhere. The fact that A

consumes events of that type is a bit of a hint...

The bit I don't buy is the notion that "replyTo" seems to indicate a direct

connection of some kind back to a single component only (A) for the events

produced by B, C, D in response to an initial event from A.  Why can't
assemblers choose to direct those events wherever they please?

Oh, and by the way, are you saying that "direct connections" from producers

to consumers (without involving some intermediate channel) are a good thing

and should be (re)introduced into the model??

> It is then up to the assembler to decide to connect both the
> producer and the consumer separately to appropriate
> channels - similarly for any "receiving" component's consumer & producer.
> I absolutely agree that the actual choice of how to handle
> "relatesTo" messages should be addressed by the assembler.  I'm just
> noting that by not supporting the notion of "replyTo", we've taken away
> one option for loosely coupling.

Ahem, I beg to differ on the interpretation here - far from "loose coupling",

this "replyTo" notion is an introduction of much tighter coupling between 2


> Any "correlation" needed between an initial event and some future
> "response" event should be managed through
> some aspect of the response event (eg a "relatesTo" field).
> Indeed yes, if we choose not to model these details, then SCA users
> will need to force such correlation information into the
> application/"business" layer, rather than letting it be handled at
> the binding layer.  Or they'll choose a vendor implementation that
> extends SCA to enable some amount of correlation to be done at the
> binding layer.

> My other reaction to this material is to say "if you want a
> response, use services/references, not event processing"
> I understand that reaction.  I can see how what I'm saying feels
> like it falls into the category of "if all you have is a hammer...".
> But I think what I've offered above makes what I'm arguing for
> different in several ways:
> 1) Eventing is about moving data, not invoking operations, which I
> see as a key semantic difference
> 2) I'm not assuming a single "responder", nor a single message back,
> nor a response that comes back even to where it started from.  We're
> talking about choreographed message exchanges, rather than
> individual message exchanges.  Trying to model this with WSDL, or
> even with two WSDLs, is an effort in futility.  Even worse, trying
> to pretend that WSDL captures these choreographies obscures the fact
> that the actual message flows aren't doing the standard request/
> reply exchanges that WSDL typically models.
> 3) By not supporting some model notion of "relatesTo"/"replyTo",
> end-user applications will be forced to move such data into event
> messages, mixing transport and business data unnecessarily, rather
> than having the binding take care of it.
> 4) By not offering some way of indicating a "reply" destination,
> that moves a tight coupling elsewhere in the system - in the form of
> assumed knowledge about where those events will be sent, or assumed
> knowledge about the types of events will be sent, or both.  Or you
> build in unnecessary inefficiencies.

You will need to convince me on point #4 - I don't see "tight coupling
elsewhere", neither do I see inefficiencies.

> As to the question of why the various protocols listed below have
> "replyTo" - I say it is because those protocols have
> to be able to deal with request/response message patterns of the
> type listed above - the current SCA event processing
> model AIN'T REQUEST/RESPONSE.  It is *much* more loose coupled than that...

> As I point out in #4 above, I think the association of request/reply
> with tight coupling is a mental trap of sorts.  Just because I've
> indicated a reply to address, doesn't mean that I've tightly coupled
> anything.  Rather, I've provided a means for late binding.  The
> world of HTML over HTTP is anything but tightly coupled, and it is
> built entirely on a request/response paradigm.  Some uses of HTML
> over HTTP are tightly coupled, but that just demonstrates that you
> can abuse any system.  I think I can assemble some fairly
> interesting message choreographies that will leverage a "replyTo"
> notion, but that in no way implies that the components involved are
> tightly coupled.

A "relatesTo" notion, I can buy (see previous comments), but "replyTo",

if it is taken to mean "any events generated as a 'response' to this

event MUST be sent to this place" I can interpret in no other way than a

tight coupling between the original producer and the receiving consumer.

"replyTo" seems less than useful in the event processing model we've built

for SCA.  I don't see the need for it.

> I, for one, question why JMS singled out "JMSReplyTo" as the only
> way to send a Destination to a recipient.  It ought to have been
> more open ended than it is.  WS-Addressing doesn't repeat this
> mistake.  But generically, the ability of the event producer to
> indicate one or more interesting "Destinations" for sending follow-
> on messages seems like a way to further decouple systems, as it
> saves the recipient of those messages from having to pre-emptively
> "wire" to those destinations.

The problem with these low-level wire-protocol features is that in reality

they haze together the notion of message transfer with the notions of

application composition, which we so cleanly separate in SCA.  I don't see

the need to force the wire-protocol composition features onto SCA - SCA is

already far richer in that space.  SCA can use the wire protocol features

when they are useful, but only as a reflection of the composition goals that

are already shown in the SCA assemblies.

> -Eric.

> Yours,  Mike.
> Strategist - Emerging Technologies, SCA & SDO.
> Co Chair OASIS SCA Assembly TC.
> IBM Hursley Park, Mail Point 146, Winchester, SO21 2JN, Great Britain.
> Phone & FAX: +44-1962-818014    Mobile: +44-7802-467431  
> Email:  
> Eric Johnson
<eric@tibco.com> wrote on 01/11/2010 20:57:15:
> > [image removed]
> >
> > Re: [sca-assembly] NEW ISSUE: Need some notion of "callback" address
> > in conjunction with eventing
> >
> > Eric Johnson
> >
> > to:
> >
> > ashok.malhotra
> >
> > 01/11/2010 21:38
> >
> > Cc:
> >
> > Martin Chapman, Anish Karmarkar, sca-assembly
> >
> > Hi Ashok,
> >
> > Just about every "broadcasting" eventing system that I can think of
> > supports some notion of "reply-to"
> >
> > JMS: JMSReplyTo
> > SOAP WS: WS-Addressing ReplyTo (I admit this is a little bit of a stretch)
> > AMQP: reply-to (I think - I'm not very familiar with this)
> > UDP: source port number
> > PGM: (piggy-backing on UDP, it looks like)
> > TIBCO's Rendevous: (yes - don't know the details)
> > Email: "Reply-To"
> >
> > ... : ??? (anyone know anything about Apple's Bonjour?)
> >
> > Perhaps we could come up with a more complete list of this "broadcast"
> > mechanisms, and what they support?
> >
> > In any case, the notion of using services and references doesn't even
> > come close to mapping on to various cases that you might relate to
> > eventing.  Services and references are tightly tied to the
> > interoperability and known semantics of WSDL 1.1, whereas eventing might
> > use a whole bunch of messaging patterns that you might not even be able
> > to define in WSDL:
> >
> > * message out, maybe message back
> > * message out, N messages back
> > * message out *, message back
> > * message out, message back to different component
> >
> > All of these might take advantage of a "reply to" capability that has
> > little or nothing to do with the request/reply semantics associated with
> > services and references.  Also, the message back might effectively be
> > "any" - there might not be a specific "response" message with a single
> > specific type.
> >
> > This question does bring me back to one question that I've been raising
> > for a while.  What bindings do we anticipate people using with SCA
> > Eventing, and how do we think they're going to be used?  Absent that
> > information, it strikes me as very difficult to address questions like
> > this one.
> >
> > As to whether we open this issue, since all the existing transports I
> > mentioned above support the functionality, I think closing it with no
> > action would be premature. Yet, I agree that we may need much discussion
> > to establish what this "reply to" notion means, and maybe we won't get
> > there.
> >
> > -Eric.
> >

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