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Subject: Draft minutes of 27 Sep. telecon

[12:09] Sanjay: *Callin numbers*

meeting id: 542728
password: 246346 (bindin)

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[12:13] Bryan Aupperle: Scribe: Bryan Aupperle
[12:13] Bryan Aupperle: Simon H.:Review of proposed Agenda
[12:14] Bryan Aupperle: Anish:Link should be changed to public link
[12:15] Bryan Aupperle: Mike E.: Putting minutes in meeting document should be OK.
[12:15] Bryan Aupperle: Mike R:Minutes have a rotating list, I think you read a different list.
[12:16] Bryan Aupperle: Simon H.:I skipped people not present
[12:16] anish2: public v. private urls: http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/sca-bpel/200709/msg00036.html
[12:16] Bryan Aupperle: Simon H.:Any concerns with keeping scribe list?
[12:17] Bryan Aupperle: Mike R:No a good thing.
[12:18] Bryan Aupperle: Maritn. Motion to accept minutes.  Eric Johnson Seconds
[12:18] Bryan Aupperle: Resolved: Minutes accepted
[12:19] Bryan Aupperle: Simon H.:JIRA still not officially operational
[12:20] Bryan Aupperle: Mike E.:Some information about people who need write access to JIRA is needed.
[12:21] Bryan Aupperle: Martin:This would be Issues Editor and Spec. Editors.
[12:21] Sanjay: and chairs
[12:21] Bryan Aupperle: Simon H:Issues process not formally adopted yet.
[12:22] Bryan Aupperle: Simon H.: Presentation provides general process.  Martin will clean up and post.
[12:23] Bryan Aupperle: Action:[Martin] Post cleaned up Issues Process presentation.
[12:24] Bryan Aupperle: Simon H. Anish has posted Web Services and JMS bindings Working Drafts
[12:26] Sanjay: www is not private
[12:26] Bryan Aupperle: Anish: There are both public and member-only URLs.  Need to be careful to use public URLs in agendas, JIRA, etc.  Public URLs start with lists.oasis-open.org
[12:28] Bryan Aupperle: Anish:All I have done on the WDs are use the new template and some very basic formatting.  Only content added is the abstract - Cut and Paste from Introduction.
[12:29] Bryan Aupperle: Mike R.:In the F2F we asked the editors to do this, so do we need to formally accept?
[12:30] Bryan Aupperle: Martin:No, Working Drafts do not need to be formally accepted only Committee Drafts
[12:31] Bryan Aupperle: Martin:Would not be unreasonable to accept these as CDs.
[12:32] Bryan Aupperle: Martin:Action[Editors] a new section be inserted before appendices on conformance
[12:32] Bryan Aupperle: Jeff:Is there something between WD and CD?
[12:32] Bryan Aupperle: Martin: No
[12:33] Bryan Aupperle: Sanjay:Adding the conformance section - is there any guidance for this?
[12:34] Bryan Aupperle: Martin: I discussed this with Mary - template is being updated.
[12:34] Bryan Aupperle: Sanjay:So basis is TC process document.
[12:35] Bryan Aupperle: Simon H.: Review documents with a view to adopting as CD in near future.
[12:36] Bryan Aupperle: Simon H.:Editing subcommittee is set up and primed with Chair, Issues Editors and Spec Editors.
[12:37] Bryan Aupperle: Eric: E-mail about JIRA leaves open the question of administrator and project lead.  It is suggested that the Issues editor be the administrator.  Do we need a motion.  Similarly should Simon H. be the project lead.
[12:38] Bryan Aupperle: Martin:Normally all editors, chair, etc. should have full write access.
[12:39] Bryan Aupperle: Martin:Motion Appoint issue editor as JIRA administrator Mike E. seconds
[12:39] Bryan Aupperle: Resolved: Issues Editor will be JIRA Administrator.
[12:40] Bryan Aupperle: Simon H.: I am willing to be the JIRA project lead.
[12:41] Bryan Aupperle: Eric:Motion: Simon should be JIRA Project lead Mike E. seconds
[12:41] Bryan Aupperle: Resolved: Simon to be JIRA Project lead.
[12:42] Bryan Aupperle: s/JIRA/Issue Tracking System/g
[12:43] Bryan Aupperle: Simon H: Specification Naming - should it be 1.1 or 2.0
[12:43] Michael Rowley wants to outdo SCA-BPEL and choose 1.2!
[12:43] McHapman 2nds that...lol
[12:43] Bryan Aupperle: Anish:I sent an email to openCSA so we can be consistent across the TCs
[12:44] Bryan Aupperle: Anish: BPEL is going to use 1.1 until a incompatibility is crated
[12:45] Bryan Aupperle: Simon N.  May be able to start in sync but not going to be able to keep this over time.
[12:45] Bryan Aupperle: Martin: That is likely a year out so not an issue right now.
[12:46] Bryan Aupperle: Bryan: C-C++ also agreed to use 1.1 but does the namespace change mean an incompatible.
[12:47] Bryan Aupperle: Simon: Will we have to change namespace?
[12:48] Bryan Aupperle: Tom: We will have to change the namespaces.  Are we going to try and keep WDs at a consistent number accross the TC?
[12:48] tomRutt: s/change namespace/change to an OASIS based url for namespace/
[12:49] Bryan Aupperle: Sanjay: There are potential ways to manage namespace URLs without including version numbers
[12:50] Bryan Aupperle: Eric: Does the addition of a conformance section force an incompatibility?
[12:50] Bryan Aupperle: Simon H.: When does a version number become important?
[12:50] Bryan Aupperle: Martin: Not until Public Draft.
[12:50] Sanjay: Here is cut-paste from namespace uri versioning policy from WS-RX TC:
[12:50] Sanjay: Namespace URI Versioning Policy

The pattern of the WS-ReliableMessaging v1.1 namespace URI shall be:


Where yyyymm is the century, year and month chosen by the TC for that version of the namespace URI.

It is the intent of the OASIS WS-RX Technical Committee that the WS-ReliableMessaging v1.1 namespace URI will not change arbitrarily with each subsequent revision of the corresponding WSDL or XML Schema documents but rather change only when a subsequent revision, published in conjunction with a Committee Draft or Committee Specification results in non-backwardly compatible changes from a previously published Committee Draft or Specification.

Under this policy, the following are examples of backwards compatible changes that would not result in assignment of a new namespace URI:

   * addition of new global element, attribute, complexType and simpleType definitions
   * addition of new operations within a WSDL portType or binding (along with the corresponding schema, message and part definitions)
   * addition of new elements or attributes in locations covered by a previously specified wildcard
   * modifications to the pattern facet of a type definition for which the value-space of the previous definition remains valid or for which the value-space of the preponderance of instance would remain valid
   * modifications to the cardinality of elements for which the value-space of possible instance documents conformant to the previous revision of the schema would still be valid with regards to the revised cardinality rule

[12:51] Bryan Aupperle: Henning: How do we find out if we have to change namespace?
[12:52] Bryan Aupperle: Martin: Only prior experience is some WS-* specs becoming OASIS specifications.
[12:52] Bryan Aupperle: Martin: Need to raise this as an issue and request Steering Comm. help.
[12:53] Bryan Aupperle: Tom:  URLs have to be under OASIS control.
[12:54] Bryan Aupperle: Action[Sanjay]: Resolve the URL/namespace issue with Steering Comm./OASIS staff.
[12:54] Bryan Aupperle: Anish: It is convenient to be able to deference namespace URL.
[12:55] Bryan Aupperle: Simon N.:Same considerations many not apply to Java package names.
[12:55] anish2 can we just have one call for all the open csa TCs  -- would save me a lot of time
[12:56] Bryan Aupperle: Simon H.: In interest of time should we defer the discussion of RFC 2119 to next week.
[12:56] Bryan Aupperle: Anish: That is OK.
[12:56] Bryan Aupperle: Simon H.: AOB
[12:57] Bryan Aupperle: Meeting closed.

Bryan Aupperle, Ph.D.
STSM, WebSphere Enterprise Platform Software Solution Architect
Master Inventor

Research Triangle Park,  NC
+1 919-254-7508 (T/L 444-7508)
Internet Address: aupperle@us.ibm.com

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