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Subject: RE: [sca-bindings] Is there going to be a F2F on week of Mar 4 in Boston?
The room is booked for it in the BEA
building, and the SCA-J meeting is on Thur and Fri of that week. Michael -----Original Message----- That was my impression as to what we'd agreed based on what made it
into the minutes. I'm glad you asked for confirmation, as I was about to go and get plane tickets. -Eric. Tom Rutt wrote: > I put the week of Mar 4 in my calendar as a F2F in > there is nothing on > the OASIS SCA Bindings calendar for that week. > > Will there be a f2f that week? > > Tom > --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe from this mail list, you must leave the OASIS TC that generates this mail. You may a link to this group and all your
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