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Subject: Re: [sca-bindings] ISSUE 19: Web Service binding should allow #wsdl.bindingwith reference targets

Michael Rowley wrote:
2E22E42D2E71B845B67F093A02B962DB01EA413D@repbex01.amer.bea.com" type="cite">



The latest draft of the spec, in PDF, has lines 82 and 83, which seem to be what we are talking about (not lines 53 and 54).


/binding.ws/@wsdlElement – optional attribute that specifies the URI of a WSDL element. The use of this attribute indicates that the SCA binding points to the specified element in an existing WSDL document. The URI can have the following forms:



o Binding:


In this case, the identified WSDL binding must have an equivalent PortType with the SCA service or reference. In this case the endpoint address URI for the SCA service or reference must be provided via the URI attribute on the binding.


One final note, I think the first sentence should replace the “equivalent” with “conforming”.

This strikes me as a separate issue, for sure, and possibly worth filing?  I'm not quite comfortable with your particular word choice, because "conforming" isn't used anywhere else.  Perhaps, if we were to define it, and use it everywhere, that would make sense, but as it is, the other three bullet points in this section use the "equivalent" construct.  I also note that we aim to be inclusive of WSDL 2.0, but here only refer to PortTypes, and don't mention interfaces.


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