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Subject: RE: [sca-bindings] ISSUE-22: Callbacks for binding.ws
One difference is that I’m assuming
that we want to avoid introducing new SOAP headers into the WS-* world (let me
know if you disagree). The approach that we’ve adopted for JMS
includes the introduction of a new “scaCallbackQueue” header (which
is called a user property in JMS). If we want to avoid creating a new
SOAP header, then I think we need to figure out how to use headers that have
already been defined in some WS-* standard and use it in a way that is in
keeping with the standard. Michael From: Eric Johnson
[mailto:eric@tibco.com] Am I missing something
here? I’d like to get
this topic started. I’ve narrowed the subject line from the
original Issue 22 title, since I’d like this particular thread to be on
how callbacks could be handled in the WS-* world. We can handle
conversations and other bindings on other threads. First, I’ll assume
that we will try to use WS-Addressing, if possible. My first thought is that
it would be preferable to be able to leverage the ws-ReplyTo field, since I
believe that it should be possible to distinguish replies from callbacks, and I
also believe that callbacks should go to the same place that replies would go
to. I have a vague recollection that Anish preferred the use of
<wsa:from> rather than <wsa:replyTo> for passing callback ID
information. Unfortunately, I can’t find an email to that effect,
so I’ll ask that he confirm or deny that. I've been thinking that
the client that is going to receive callbacks might want the reference
parameters that would be available if the service provider follows the rules
from the "Formulating a Reply Message" section of the WS-addressing
spec. One way that a callback
could be distinguished from a reply is that the callback could have a
<relatesTo> header that uses a relationship type of
"oasis.org/isCallbackFor" and a reference to the messageID that the
callback is in response to. I haven’t seen other uses of the
<relatesTo> header, but it seems like this is exactly the sort of thing
it is meant for. Michael From: Eric Johnson [mailto:eric@tibco.com] Logged as http://www.osoa.org/jira/browse/BINDINGS-22
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