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Subject: Re: [sca-bindings] [Issue 2] Version 2: How to implement SCA callbacksusing SOAP -- a proposal

I couldn't make the F2F due to a vacation, so I'm sorry if I'm treading over old territory. I have two questions.

1) Anish said:
it now says "... callback EPR obtained from *a* request message ..."

Wouldn't it be better to use the word 'any' since that is really what you seem to mean? It would look like this:
When the service wants to invoke the callback interface, it utilizes the Callback EPR obtained from the any request message, as specified in step 1, that invoked the forward interface.

2) If a WS client gets a fault back because it failed to satisfy step1, what is there in the WSDL that the client developer can look at to see what he/she should have done?


Dave Booz
STSM, BPM and SCA Architecture
Co-Chair OASIS SCA-Policy TC
"Distributed objects first, then world hunger"
Poughkeepsie, NY (845)-435-6093 or 8-295-6093
Inactive hide details for Anish Karmarkar <Anish.Karmarkar@oracle.com>Anish Karmarkar <Anish.Karmarkar@oracle.com>

          Anish Karmarkar <Anish.Karmarkar@oracle.com>

          08/21/2008 11:00 PM


OASIS Bindings <sca-bindings@lists.oasis-open.org>



[sca-bindings] [Issue 2] Version 2: How to implement SCA callbacks using SOAP -- a proposal

I took an action at the f2f to update the proposal that I had sent out [1] based on the feedback received during the f2f and the mailing list.
Based on the feedback, I have made two changes: a) changed the case of 'must' and b) instead of saying "... callback EPR obtained from *the* request message ...", it now says "... callback EPR obtained from *a* request message ..."

V2 does not the incorporate the comments/feedback for which there wasn't an agreement.



Proposal v2:

1) Every request message that invokes the forward interface MAY contain the wsa:From SOAP header block. The wsa:From header block, if present, specifies the Callback EPR. If wsa:From header block is not present, then the wsa:ReplyTo, if present, specifies the Callback EPR. If neither wsa:From nor wsa:ReplyTo are present in the request message of the forward interface, the service MUST generate a SOAP Fault.

2) Every request message that invokes the forward interface MUST contain the wsa:MessageID SOAP header block. If a request message that invokes the forward interface does not contain the wsa:MessageID then the service
must MUST generate a SOAP Fault.

3) When the service wants to invoke the callback interface, it utilizes the Callback EPR obtained from
the a request message, as specified in step 1, that invoked the forward interface. Once the Callback EPR is selected, the service MUST follow the rules defined in WS-Addressing 1.0 section 3.3 to invoke operations on the callback interface. In addition, when the service invokes the callback interface, it MUST include a wsa:RelatesTo SOAP header block. The wsa:RelatesTo SOAP header block MUST have the relationship type value of "http://docs.oasis-open.org/opencsa/sca-bindings/callback" and the related message id is the wsa:MessageID of the message from which the Callback EPR was obtained.


S: service with a bidirectional interface
R: reference connected to service S

The wire binding (in both directions) uses SOAP.

The forward interface consists of only one one-way operation: YouRIt()
The callback interface consists of only one one-way operation: NoYouRIt()

R invokes YouRIt(). Let's call this invocation R1 and it sets the callback address to
RC1. S then calls NoYouRIt() twice: S1 and S2
R invokes YouRIt() again. Let's call this invocation R2 and it sets the callback address to
RC1. S then calls NoYouRIt() once: S3
R invokes YouRIt(). Let's call this invocation R3 and it sets the callback address to
RC2. S then calls NoYouRIt() twice: S4 and S5.

Wire messages:


<soap:Envelope ...>



S1, S2:

<soap:Envelope ...>


<wsa:RelatesTo RelationshipType=



<soap:Envelope ...>




<soap:Envelope ...>


<wsa:RelatesTo RelationshipType=


<soap:Envelope ...>



S4, S5:

<soap:Envelope ...>


<wsa:RelatesTo RelationshipType=

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