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Subject: Proposed resolution for issue BINDINGS-31


Here's my proposal for issue BINDINGS-31 to avoid the ambiguity around the name attribute.

My assumptions:

Not every JMS binding runtime is going to be able to create JMS resources at arbitrary jndi names specified in the SCDL.
In the case where resources are created, the JNDI name that results from the creation is done in a runtime-specific manner and therefore cannot be directly deduced from the SCDL.  

My proposal:

rename "name" attribute to "jndiName".

for create="always", the jndiName should not be present
for create="ifnotexist", the jndiName points at the possibly existing resource, however if that resource does not exist, it is not guaranteed that the resource that is then created is then located at the given jndiName
for create="never", the jndiName points at the existing resource.

So the description of the jndiName attribute is:

The "plain name" referred to in the current spec is really there to be an attribute of the created resource.  I think it makes more sence then for that to be amongst the properties that are children of the element, and not a standard attribute.

remove the sentences that say "This can either be a JNDI name or a plain connection factory name.".  as they are currently describing elements, not the name attribute of those elements and so are just incorrect.

Update the examples to rename the "name" attribute to "jndiName", and/or move to inside the resource element for creation examples as appropriate.

Update the XML schema to rename "name" to "jndiName".

Regards, Simon

Simon Holdsworth
STSM, SCA Bindings Architect; Master Inventor; OASIS SCA Bindings TC Chair
MP 211, IBM UK Labs, Hursley Park, Winchester SO21 2JN, UK
Tel +44-1962-815059 (Internal 245059) Fax +44-1962-816898
Internet - Simon_Holdsworth@uk.ibm.com

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