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sca-bindings message

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Subject: Re: [sca-bindings] Minor typo in my summary of my action item.

Oops - a small clarification of my action item.

Eric Johnson wrote:
> I had one action item, which was to investigate whether JAX-WS could 
> control the use of the namespace for the generated element in the case 
> of RPC/literal bindings.  After pouring over the JAX-WS specification 
> for some time, and looking carefully at the "WebParam" annotation, 
> which comes closest to covering this issue, I came to the conclusion 
> that JAX-WS is silent on this issue.  That annotation is actually 
> defined in JSR 181, and looking at that specification, it says, 
> clearly "Only used if the operation is document style or the paramater 
> maps to a header."  Since this is not the case we're concerned about 
> it would seem that it does not apply.  In the interest of satisfying 
> other possible concerns about the "MUST" for the specific choice of 
> namespace, I've suggested below that we change it to a "SHOULD."
That is, with respect to the "namespace" parameter of the "WebParam" 
annotation, it states that it can "only be used if ..."..


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