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Subject: Groups - SCA Bindings Telecon modified
SCA Bindings Telecon has been modified by Mr. Simon Holdsworth Date: Thursday, 16 September 2010 Time: 12:00pm - 01:00pm ET Event Description: SCA Bindings TC weekly telecon Chat room: http://webconf.soaphub.org/conf/room/sca-bindings-TC Audio conference: Meeting Number: * 913929 * (press * before and after the digits) Phone numbers: Austria = Vienna 026822056419 Belgium = Brussels 022901709 China = Beijing 01052237296 Czech Republic = Prague 239014054 Denmark = Copenhagen 32714982 France = Lyon 0426840196 Marseille 0488915310 Paris 0170994364 France TollFree = 0800944795 Germany = Berlin 030726167296 Dusseldorf 021154073845 Frankfurt 069710445413 Hamburg 040809020620 Munich 089244432767 Stuttgart 0711490813212 Germany TollFree = 08006646304 India = Mumbai 02261501417 Ireland = Dublin 014367612 Italy = Milan 0230413007 Rome 06452108288 Turin 01121792100 Japan = Tokyo 0357675037 Netherlands = Amsterdam 0207965349 Poland Toll-free = 008001213648 Portugal Toll Free = 800782079 Russia = Moscow 84999222481 Russia Toll Free = 81080022074011 South Africa Toll-free = 0800982617 Spain = Barcelona 934923140 Madrid 917889793 Sweden = Stockholm 0850520404 Switzerland = Geneva 0225927186 UAE Toll-free = 8000440387 UK = Birmingham 01212604587 London 02071542988 Manchester 01612500379 UK Toll Free = 08003581667 USA = 19543344789 USA & Canada Toll Free = 18665289390 Agenda: 1. Opening Introductions Roll call (Martin Chapman LOA) Scribe assignment Top of the scribe list: Plamen Pavlov SAP AG Martin Chapman Oracle Corporation Ashok Malhotra Oracle Corporation Laurent Domenech TIBCO Software Inc. David Booz IBM Eric Johnson TIBCO Software Inc. Anish Karmarkar Oracle Corporation Bryan Aupperle IBM Tom Rutt Fujitsu Limited Ant Elder IBM Agenda bashing 2. Approval of the minutes from 2 September: http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/download.php/39230/SCA%20Bindings%20minutes%202010-09-02.doc 3. Actions 20100819-2 [Editors] Fix schema in JMS binding spec to agree with the machine readable schema xsd file (for BINDINGS-136/137). 20100902-1 [Simon Holdsworth] Cancel meeting of 23rd September due to clash with Assembly face to face 4. New Issues No new issues 5. JMS Binding testcase progress Test case document available for review: http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/download.php/39383/sca-jmsbinding-1.1-testcases-wd02.odt http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/download.php/39384/sca-jmsbinding-1.1-testcases-wd02.pdf Test cases available at: http://tools.oasis-open.org/version-control/svn/sca-bindings/TestCases_BJM TA document to be updated and circulated. Vote for CD for JMS TC and TA documents and test artefacts will be scheduled for 30th September meeting. 6. Open issue discussion http://www.osoa.org/jira/browse/BINDINGS-60 JMS Default wire format insufficient to cover real world usage Raiser: Mike Edwards, owner: Simon Holdsworth Priority: 3 (deferred) Status: outline proposal in issue 7. HTTP binding use cases Continue discussion of HTTP binding use cases, and next steps. Latest email contains a set of use cases based on the discussion so far, for review and comment. Latest email: http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/sca-bindings/201009/msg00030.html 8. Impacts of 1.2 changes on bindings Discuss how to assess impacts of 1.2 changes on the bindings, including any 1.2 education needed 9. AOB ------------------------------------------------------------------- *Revolving list of scribes* Plamen Pavlov SAP AG Martin Chapman Oracle Corporation Ashok Malhotra Oracle Corporation Laurent Domenech TIBCO Software Inc. David Booz IBM Eric Johnson TIBCO Software Inc. Anish Karmarkar Oracle Corporation Bryan Aupperle IBM Tom Rutt Fujitsu Limited Ant Elder IBM Minutes: This event is one in a list of recurring events. Other event dates in this series: Thursday, 01 October 2009, 12:00pm to 01:00pm ET Thursday, 08 October 2009, 12:00pm to 01:00pm ET Thursday, 15 October 2009, 12:00pm to 01:00pm ET Thursday, 22 October 2009, 12:00pm to 01:00pm ET Thursday, 29 October 2009, 12:00pm to 01:00pm ET Thursday, 05 November 2009, 12:00pm to 01:00pm ET Thursday, 12 November 2009, 12:00pm to 01:00pm ET Thursday, 19 November 2009, 12:00pm to 01:00pm ET Thursday, 26 November 2009, 12:00pm to 01:00pm ET Thursday, 03 December 2009, 12:00pm to 01:00pm ET Thursday, 10 December 2009, 12:00pm to 01:00pm ET Thursday, 17 December 2009, 12:00pm to 01:00pm ET Thursday, 24 December 2009, 12:00pm to 01:00pm ET Thursday, 31 December 2009, 12:00pm to 01:00pm ET Thursday, 07 January 2010, 12:00pm to 01:00pm ET Thursday, 14 January 2010, 12:00pm to 01:00pm ET Thursday, 21 January 2010, 12:00pm to 01:00pm ET Thursday, 28 January 2010, 12:00pm to 01:00pm ET Thursday, 04 February 2010, 12:00pm to 01:00pm ET Thursday, 11 February 2010, 12:00pm to 01:00pm ET Thursday, 18 February 2010, 12:00pm to 01:00pm ET Thursday, 25 February 2010, 12:00pm to 01:00pm ET Thursday, 04 March 2010, 12:00pm to 01:00pm ET Thursday, 11 March 2010, 12:00pm to 01:00pm ET Thursday, 18 March 2010, 12:00pm to 01:00pm ET Thursday, 25 March 2010, 12:00pm to 01:00pm ET Thursday, 01 April 2010, 12:00pm to 01:00pm ET Thursday, 08 April 2010, 12:00pm to 01:00pm ET Thursday, 15 April 2010, 12:00pm to 01:00pm ET Thursday, 22 April 2010, 12:00pm to 01:00pm ET Thursday, 29 April 2010, 12:00pm to 01:00pm ET Thursday, 06 May 2010, 12:00pm to 01:00pm ET Thursday, 13 May 2010, 12:00pm to 01:00pm ET Thursday, 20 May 2010, 12:00pm to 01:00pm ET Thursday, 27 May 2010, 12:00pm to 01:00pm ET Thursday, 03 June 2010, 12:00pm to 01:00pm ET Thursday, 10 June 2010, 12:00pm to 01:00pm ET Thursday, 17 June 2010, 12:00pm to 01:00pm ET Thursday, 24 June 2010, 12:00pm to 01:00pm ET Thursday, 01 July 2010, 12:00pm to 01:00pm ET Thursday, 08 July 2010, 12:00pm to 01:00pm ET Thursday, 15 July 2010, 12:00pm to 01:00pm ET Thursday, 22 July 2010, 12:00pm to 01:00pm ET Thursday, 29 July 2010, 12:00pm to 01:00pm ET Thursday, 05 August 2010, 12:00pm to 01:00pm ET Thursday, 12 August 2010, 12:00pm to 01:00pm ET Thursday, 19 August 2010, 12:00pm to 01:00pm ET Thursday, 26 August 2010, 12:00pm to 01:00pm ET Thursday, 02 September 2010, 12:00pm to 01:00pm ET Thursday, 09 September 2010, 12:00pm to 01:00pm ET Thursday, 23 September 2010, 12:00pm to 01:00pm ET Thursday, 30 September 2010, 12:00pm to 01:00pm ET View event details: http://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/sca-bindings/event.php?event_id=25230 PLEASE NOTE: If the above link does not work for you, your email application may be breaking the link into two pieces. You may be able to copy and paste the entire link address into the address field of your web browser.
BEGIN:VCALENDAR METHOD:PUBLISH VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//Kavi Corporation//NONSGML Kavi Groups//EN X-WR-CALNAME:My Calendar BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:MEETING STATUS:TENTATIVE DTSTAMP:20100916T000000Z DTSTART:20100916T160000Z DTEND:20100916T170000Z SEQUENCE:52 SUMMARY:SCA Bindings Telecon DESCRIPTION:SCA Bindings TC weekly telecon \n\nChat room: \n\nhttp://webconf.soaphub.org/conf/room/sca-bindings-TC \n\nAudio conference: \n\nMeeting Number: * 913929 * (press * before and after the digits) \n\nPhone numbers: \n\nAustria = Vienna 026822056419 \nBelgium = Brussels 022901709 \nChina = Beijing 01052237296 \nCzech Republic = Prague 239014054 \nDenmark = Copenhagen 32714982 \nFrance = Lyon 0426840196 Marseille 0488915310 Paris 0170994364 \nFrance TollFree = 0800944795 \nGermany = Berlin 030726167296 Dusseldorf 021154073845 Frankfurt 069710445413 Hamburg 040809020620 Munich 089244432767 Stuttgart 0711490813212 \nGermany TollFree = 08006646304 \nIndia = Mumbai 02261501417 \nIreland = Dublin 014367612 \nItaly = Milan 0230413007 Rome 06452108288 Turin 01121792100 \nJapan = Tokyo 0357675037 \nNetherlands = Amsterdam 0207965349 \nPoland Toll-free = 008001213648 \nPortugal Toll Free = 800782079 \nRussia = Moscow 84999222481 \nRussia Toll Free = 81080022074011 \nSouth Africa Toll-free = 0800982617 \nSpain = Barcelona 934923140 Madrid 917889793 \nSweden = Stockholm 0850520404 \nSwitzerland = Geneva 0225927186 \nUAE Toll-free = 8000440387 \nUK = Birmingham 01212604587 London 02071542988 Manchester 01612500379 \nUK Toll Free = 08003581667 \nUSA = 19543344789 \nUSA & Canada Toll Free = 18665289390\n\nGroup: OASIS Service Component Architecture / Bindings (SCA-Bindings) TC\nCreator: Mr. Simon Holdsworth URL:http://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/sca-bindings/event.php?event_id=25230 UID:http://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/sca-bindings/event.php?event_id=25230 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR
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